She asked me, S.L., to give her a gift,

As we all know, the holiday season can pass in a blur. With all the preparations, early over-commercialization, and faux-ness, not everyone has a ball.

Although it may appear that my lips are sealed, I've spent a year thinking about this. I'm an information professional. It is my duty to share and disseminate.

Every Santa's Helper, Elf, Hanukkah Harry, Papa Noel, Father Christmas, Kris Kwanzaa, Saint Nicholas, Bell Ringer, or "Santa Claus" agrees. You can't find the real Santa Claus or the real Christmas Spirit if you don't believe.

You. Your attitude. Your gifts. Things you make. Things you eat. Even your houses must be sweet, or filled with "the sweet."

Coal may not be what you want. But you are getting SOMETHING, so be grateful.
Now. I believe. I like to think I'm sweet, and I'm grateful for any and everything that I get. I figured all of this would give me an express pass to the North Pole.
Just to be on the safe side, though, I closed my eyes, and whispered "I believe Tinkerbell. I believe."
Then I rang a bell or two so Clarence could get his wings.
THEN I wished upon a star that I could find the Clauses and get advice to help Auntie Nettie's holiday spirit.Just as I began to despair, I felt an Arctic breeze whisper by, faintly smelling of candy canes, gingerbread, and eggnog. With a "Ho Ho Ho" and "Merry Christmas, Shushy," Mr. and Mrs. Claus welcomed me to their workshop. I have to say, I revelled in their warm embrace.

For they were too. They despaired that the purpose and joy of the holidays was being forgotten, buried in stress, expectations, wrapping paper, gift cards, debt, and that by starting the hype so early people were being innudated, overwhelmed, and desensitized.
They suggested a trip to a simpler time, where in a lowly inn, surrounded by family, humble animals, and only a few select visitors, the Christ Child was born. Hark, The Herald Angels were Singing, while other hosts of Angels, (we) have Heard on High. The Little Drummer Boy played his song for Him, Far, Far, Away on Judea's Plain. And Oh, Holy Night was sung beautifully, in the Little Town of Bethlehem.

So this is our advice and wish for you this Christmas Day.
Get far away from the maddening crowd.
Find a quiet place. Reflect. Refresh. Relax.
And then ... Be with your loved ones.
But above all else, Remember the true reason for this special season. Merry Christmas,
Auntie Nettie and The Shushing Librarian
Silent Night
Silent night, holy night!
All is calm, all is bright.
Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child.
Holy infant so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.
Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight.
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia,
Christ the Savior is born!
Christ the Savior is born.
Silent night, holy night!
Son of God love's pure light.
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus Lord, at Thy birth.
Jesus Lord, at Thy birth.
~Joseph Mohr
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