So obviously I just stopped blogging on this platform. I'll get back to it eventually. Or not. I'm taking a break from all social media. It seemed necessary for my mental health.
The last few years have been busy and … challenging:
- 2015 Happened.
- 2016 Let's call it The Lost Year. (Obviously words failed me.)
- 2017 about broke me. Literally. Mentally.
- 2018 was ridiculous, proving 2017 was just a warm up. (Good thing I was already broken so it couldn't hurt as much.#2018TrashCanFire I thought things were going okay, but maybe not?)
- 2019 was such a blur. I know there were highlights, but then stuff happened and carried into the next year...
- And then in March#2020 really took a turn. Who can even categorize 2020? Do we dare?
I kinda want a do-over of some of the last few years. But life doesn’t work that way.
So for now, I'm hunkering down. Regrouping. Trying to stay safe and sort some stuff out.
Stay safe everyone. Stay well.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Photo of the Day: No Smoking
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Auntie Nettie's Attic Merchandise 2011 - January
I came back from vacation with a large stash of yarn, and a resolution. I am NOT to purchase any more yarn this year until I work my way through the stash that is piled up on my bookshelves, tucked between furniture, put away in bins, or hidden in the closet with mothballs. (Gifts of yarn are exempt from this resolution ... It's the purchasing of the yarn that's the problem.)
In the unlikely event that I run out (HA!), I also have a stash of fabric that is crying out to be used. Of course that means dragging Grandma Ollie's sewing machine out from underneath the bed and hauling myself down to sewing classes in the Fashion District. One craft addiction at a time, please.
I'm trying to finish up the UFOs (UnFinished Objects) from 2010, but I still have scared myself with the amount of blankets already done, and it's only January.
(as of 05/2012, no longer available)
(as of 03/2011 no longer available)
Still in progress:
2010: Stuffed Animal/Multi-fiber chevron blanket
2011: Green Lace chevron blanket
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Photo of the Day: Old Man in the Grotto
Friday, January 28, 2011
Letters from Ollie J - Jan. 28, 1982 & 1996
The first is from 1982, when I was about 10. We must have seen each other over the holidays and I must have been a brat, because I'm apologizing for being one.
28 Jan 1982
[probably from
The Farm
Pikeville, NC]
Dear [Granddaughter],
Your letter was welcomed and appreciated.
Surely I’ll forgive you. Your actions weren’t to[sic] [crossed out/illegible] nice Christmas. We all feal[sic] different[sic] at time. But don’t help to let it show.
Be happy and show it and the world will be a nicer place to live.
Love your work and it seems to get done quicker.
Take care of yourself.
I love you and think you are nice.
It's nice to see that some sort of personal progress had been made in the intervening years. Not quite such a brat if I'm suggesting going to see grandma instead of making her deal with airports and weather.
Sadly, I never did get the hang of making those biscuits, or the recipe.
28 Jan 1996
[The Farm
Pikeville, NC]
Dear GrandDaughter
Thank you so much for thinking of Me and sujesting[sic] coming t[sic] GrandMa’s For Christmas.
So proud to have you all. Was a big change for me. No Rush or scramble. Glad you enjoyed your short time here. Thanks for the Gifts etc.
So glad the gloves came in handy. Must have had inspiration.
Glad all got home Before the Blizard[sic] of 1996 Came. We had wind some snow and COLD so ice was added. Power lines and trees were covered. Like ferry[sic] land to look at But awful to get around on. Sun shine made it sparkle.
Then we have rain ever other day. High winds some too.
Thankful no accidents in Family.
I have sniffles No other Bug at present.
Helped Paint Kitchen in a Trailor[sic] Friday and No heat in it. Sure hope don’t get sick. Will ask more questions before accept another Job. Girl is trying to get a place to live before Baby arrives. Trailor[sic] looked fair to good on outside But What a mess in side. May even Leak when rains. Not sure is livable. But she is trying. Husband is in Drug Re hab place. So No help.
I Helped lady quilt part of two days last week. I love that work. No one has brought me a quilt this year. Some have ask but not got it here.
Need to get Mufler[sic] on car one on it is to[sic] noisy. Always something. If one Rides.
Wind has been cool today.
Your Mom said Jed’s Job wasn’t what he thought it was. You probelly[sic] heard that.
Am sure you can make biscutes[sic] after a Few triles[sic].
Thanks again for gifts and your visit made Christmas more enjoyable to share it with you.
You have probley[sic] cought[sic] up with your work by now.
Still keep being very careful with your driving.
Pictures were nice Thanks.
Thanks for Readers Digest The second one came yesterday. So this gift will last a long time.
Your mom was working over time too. Test to watch students take When I called yesterday. Will be exra[sic] pay though. Your dad was home said all was moving along well.
Take Care of Your self.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Photo of the Day: Snowy Streets
Everyone seems to be home, tucked up in bed, asleep, except for me. I just had to grab the camera. I ducked my head out the attic window (in my jammies), turned the flash off, and hoped for the best. I love the rosy glow of the street light against the snow. Look how it shadows the mysterious tracks by the tree trunk and the footprints of the couple that just walked by, hand-in-hand under a pair of umbrellas.
5:00 a.m. update - The only time that texts are welcome at this pre-dawn hour is when they tell you you can go back to bed because YOU FINALLY HAVE A SNOW DAY. I may have been jipped earlier this month, but karma does balance out occasionally.
And no, even though I brought home with me, and could virtually access the office mainframe, I am not working today on my salaried/insured office paperwork. NOT in any way, shape or form.
Snow days mean, crafting, movies, and baking.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Happy 6th Birthday Drew!
I love that you are becoming a little gentleman. Here you are at your cousin Nathan's May 2010 blessing.

Happy Birthday, my Drewbug,
Auntie Nettie
c. May 2010, playing around in the backseat, you thought I was taking photos.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Letters to Ollie J - Jan. 24, 1992
One that I was fortunate to find.
It had been tucked away in Grandma Ollie J's 1943 Webster's Dictionary, and been packed away with her things since they had been packed up and put away in one move or other. Those boxes have seen been moved from North Carolina, maybe to Utah and then back to North Carolina, then up Connecticut, and then shipped from Connecticut to Utah.
The dictionary, along with a random assortment of vintage textbooks, religious books, aka Mormonalia, and other unique finds, were in box that GrumpaMax had me pull out and assess during my winter break. I guess I am the most qualified in the family, and had to put my M.L.S. to use at some point, right? All those years working with old music scores certainly came in handy in assessing whether a book was in good condition, needs to be conserved, or might be worth something to family members, or could possibly one day find a good home.
Anyway, while the books aren't overly valuable in a monetary sense, they were a treasure chest of family information. Along with this letter, I found other things when handling these volumes, some more than a 100 years old. I saw marginalia and other notations from my great, great-great grandparents, or other relatives. I found schoolgirl notes from my mother, c. 1958; receipts for a month of newspaper deliveries signed by my Grandpa Jack, c. 1964; an unsigned 1961 postcard sent to my great-grandfather Charlie, which Grandmary thinks was probably sent by his brother; genealogy notes on Grandpa Jack's side of the family; and probably the weirdest thing, notations in the back of the Webster's dictionary about Grandmary's blood type, as well as Great-grandma Bertha's. (What was Grandma Ollie J tracking?!)
While this letter isn't a gem, the fact that it was found at all, and by me, is amazing. Talk about divine influence! It's been retrieved from where it was placed last by my grandmother, and is now part of the archivally preserved collection of Grandma letters that I will get to pass down to the next generation.
Regarding the letter: This would have been sophomore year of college.
I was busy indeed. I remember that I HATED English IV. I never skipped a class more than I did that one. Mostly because the adjunct professor was horrible; he was not an interactive teacher, and he didn't accept answers or analysis that deviated from what he wanted to hear. Once we began to notice this and figure out what he wanted, my classmates and I banded together. We were all skipping on and off. Somehow we all managed to cover enough classes that someone had notes, and we created study groups where we taught each other the materials. We learned more from teaching each other, and frankly, did a better job than the instructor did. We lambasted him on the reviews at semester end, and he was not rehired. Go us. (Kids, don't learn from me here. Go to class, but talk to the dept. head if you have a problem with the teacher.)
The music classes weren't bad. There were just a lot of them to balance out with the lit. and history classes.
The other notable thing, and I'm almost ashamed to mention it, is how much lying is mixed in with the truth here. Church? Reading my Book of Mormon? I might have made some token efforts, but these were really to appease grandma. She was a smart lady. She probably knew. (Again, kids, don't learn from me here. Grandmas are smarter than they appear. Don't be fooled by the sweet, little old lady looks and grandmotherly ways. They are on to you!)
Dear Grandma,
How are you? Sorry it has taken me so long to get in touch with you. The first two weeks of school have just wizzed by and I suddenly realized how late it was. I got my grades during break and was very pleasantly surprised. I thought that I was taking a risk by taking seven classes. Instead it seems that the risk was justified. I managed to get a cumulative average of 3.89 out of a possible 4.0. So I get to go to another of those lovely, yet highly boring Dean’s List Dinners with others who made a 3.6 or better. It’s an honor I know but those things last so long and I have a great deal of work to do this semester. When we had to sign up for this semester’s classes last fall, I decided that since I wasn’t doing too poorly, I’d take another class. So I have eight now, which are: English IV, poetry of the 19th century; American Lit. III, Hemingway, Steinback, etc.; China in the Modern World; the 2nd half of the other class that I was taking, History of Jazz; Listening to Music, a semi history/music appreciation class; Piano; Choir; [and] Keyboard Harmony. So I’m a busy girl. Plus I still have my job in the library, and I’m looking for an internship this summer.
I have been going to church a little bit more than I was, and I’m trying to catch up on my tithing, and I’m reading my Book of Mormon … So I’m not neglecting that aspect like I was.
So basically life is back to some degree of normalcy. Never a dull moment here. So how are things on your end? Is every one surviving? Tell them I said hi! I write again soon when something exciting happens. Til then,
I love you,
[Auntie Nettie]
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Recipes from Ollie J -- Applesauce Cookies
When I was a little girl, we lived in Utah in the house pictured here (shown as of Aug. 2010 and NOT how it looked when I was little).
I call the eight years in Utah, B.C. -- Before Connecticut. I actually don’t have too many memories of B.C. I’ve mentioned Audrey before, my best friend, but I do remember some other things, like names or landmarks. I occasionally have B.C. dreams where I’m literally flying up and down the Canyon (ala Peter Pan), but that’s a whole other set of blog posts.
In the B.C. year, Sister* Hobbs and her family lived down the street a block or two. I used to play with one of her middle daughters, Tammy. She, along with Audrey, Jerry Don, and few other kids comprised my year group. Because this was Utah, we did everything together; we were in the same church and school classes. There are pictures of birthday parties where we are all together in a horde of cuteness and innocence. We used to run in and out of each others' houses, and were a mass unit. It’s conceivable that had we not moved from Utah, I would have grown up and had most of my life milestones with that same group of people. For better or worse, our paths diverged when my father got a job at UCONN and we moved East the summer of 1980.
Fast forward to late summer 2010.
Grandmary, GrumpaMax, and I paid a visit to the Hobbs’ during our River Trip stopover in Logan in August. While Tammy is married and lives with her family somewhere else in the state, Jeannette and her husband still live in the same house. Many of their children and grandchildren were in and out while we were there. Grandmary and Sis. Hobbs picked up the conversational thread as if it hadn’t been 30 years since we lived down the street. (I’m assuming the menfolk also started talking as if it hadn’t been three decades, but men are different, and they were off in another room comparing notes about other things.)
Just thinking about the passage of all that time is weird. I hadn’t seen this woman in 30 years, since I was younger than some of her grandchildren that were also visiting. I was a cute kid, but it must have been as weird for her to look at me as an adult, the fat and flustered-after-traveling/rafting me, as it was for me to be there.
You hang out with your family and/or parents long enough, and you revert to childhood patterns of behavior. If you don’t travel with your offspring/partner/spouse, and it’s even easier for them to treat you like a child, not as a functioning adult -- and worse -- for you to let them. You know that phrase; children should be seen and not heard? You end up doing that when you are tagging along with your parents and visiting your “older” relatives – esp. if the aunties call you “Little Mary.” If you are visiting your parents’ old friends, and you are awkward in social settings anyway ... well, you get the picture. Maybe in another 30 years I’ll make a better impression.
*Honorific used by Mormons, when referring to females. Males are “brothers” or “elders” if missionaries, or in other leadership positions can be called President. Women are always "sisters;" that's just the way things are.
Anyway, here is a recipe that was preserved in time/space, thanks to my Grandma Ollie J.
Applesauce Cookies (Jeanette Hobbs)
2 cups sugar (white)
2 eggs
2 cups applesauce
1 cup nuts, chopped
1 ½ cups raisins (boiled for a minute and then ground)*
4 cups flour
2 teaspoon soda (baking)
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon cloves
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
350 degrees for 15 minutes
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Photo of the Day: On Thin Ice
I was circling around, crouching down, looking pretty funny, when Drew came over to see what I was looking at.
In typical 5-year-old fashion, he smashed it to bits as soon as he saw it.
Lesson of the day?: Carpe photo when you can. I only got the one.
Friday, January 21, 2011
The Shushing Librarian and the Wintertime Blues - Part 1
Glad to be here once again guest posting for Auntie Nettie while she's off doing something or other. I don't know what exactly. She was last seen slogging through the January slush/snow/ice/rain mix toward a train, when she was engulfed in a person-sized wave of goop from the splashing of a passing car, so who knows where she'll wash up.
The old stand-by of chocolate,
My colleague, The Roaming Gnome,
I just managed to remember how much I hate pineapple,
and then I picked up another bug on the plane trips.
I had to resort to more drugs.
While I was in a NyQuil induced fog, I had visions of a wise
Jedi Master who gave me some unexpected advice:
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Happy Birthday Grandma Ollie!

of Pikeville N.C. RD3

Happy Birthday Grandma!
Miss you,
Auntie Nettie
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Letters from Ollie J - Jan. 19, 1994
The fall semester of my senior year was probably more difficult than it needed to be, with me having what I have to suspect was a mini-emotional breakdown, resulting in a multi-month cessation of communication with my parents for a reason I can't even remember, probably brought on by stress, definitely a chemical irregularity, finals, GREs, and the realization that it was time to think about adult matters like financing, jobs, moves, etc. I don't know how my roommates put up with me. This was prior to intervention teams being a regular part of campus life, but looking back, I definitely would have been one of those kids. I was, to put it lightly, a HOT mess.
I was also in denial that I was a hot mess. I think I just, and I mean, like 2 weeks ago, JUST realized what that whole episode was, and that's how many years later? (please don't actually do the math.)
It's probably important to note at this juncture that the stubborn gene is inherited, as is pride. Asking for help? of any kind? HA.
I'm sure that I was the subject of many conversations and prayers.
How did any of you guys put up with me? How do any of you still put up with me?
Gram? The advice has finally sunk into my thick skull. Thanks for all the guidance, even now. Keep it up. You know I need it.
19 Jan 1994
[The Farm
Pikeville, NC]
Dear [Granddaughter],
I’ll join you in the deep freeze. We had 9 degrees this morning and want[sic] get above freezing the day and probilly[sic] 5 degrees tonight. Promise of up to normal for time of year tomorrow and for a few days. My heater is doing fine but been so Cold not quite enough. I just sit close and put on a extra coat – or swetter[sic].
Hope Christmas went well with you. It was Cold on Christmas Eve but warmer on Christmas day. So I drove to Henry’s and at dinner with them. Came back same day. California is surely having time. Fire and now Earthquake. All these things are frightening. End of times getting closer. Have things to improve on to be ready.
The visit with Jed and your Dad was good as always. And they try to do so many things for me.
Yes Main[sic] and West Virginia surely have had snow.
Bet you have had snow by now.
Hope you are settled and have good roommates.
Would have been nice to been with all of you Thanksgiving. I felt it wise to come home. Can’t seem to be in but one place at the time.
Just reread your last letter. So not sure where to send this letter. Will use old address. Hope you get it.
Hope some of your problems have eased off. Oh yes new ones take it place.
You have let me know you were needing a loan. Maybe could have helped.
Oh well am sure you are learning more about life and its problems.
Take Care.
God bless and help you I pray
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
YouTube Tuesday: Dam Flood 2010
Or, in this case, it rains. I can hear you saying, so what? It rains. Let me remind you, this is the southwest. It is a desert. A day of rain is a big deal. A week or more of torrential downpours? That's a problem.
In 2005, the area in and around the Virgin River in Utah, Arizona, and Nevada experienced major flooding. They called it the 100-year flood. Who would have thought that just five years later there would be more flooding?
Before my parents bought their most recent house in Utah, they purchased a vacation home in the Beaver Dam/Littlefield, Arizona area, where the most exciting thing was a place called "The Dam Bar."
Finally, a place where I could swear with impunity. Everything was "dam."
My parent's home was affectionately called "The Dam House." It was part of a cute little retirement community nestled next to a golf course and near (note the words NEAR) the banks of the Virgin River.
Given that Grandmary and GrumpaMax have a new house, The Dam House was on the market.
Until late December, it didn't have a river/water view.
The video below shows the house at the end of their street, as it takes off for parts unknown -- or as one person says on the video, Lake Mead.
Sadly, this house had been built by hand, by the owner, who had yet to move into it. He lost the house. The garage made it, for a little bit. But he lost that too.
The floods were right before Christmas. Because this was a flood plane, many people may or may not have had flood insurance. Many people weren't there because it was a retirement community and people were off visiting family. There wasn't a flood surge, just a steady rise of water that undercut ground, and washed away ancient cottonwoods, banks, and houses. Fortunately, no one lost their lives, but it was a hard Christmas. Recovery will be hampered by FEMA, insurance, government entities, and inevitable lawsuits.
This is a photo from the next day or so, looking down the street. You can see the garage still standing. The house next to it was marked "uninhabitable" because the back end of is hanging out over the undercut bank. The houses next to that were fine. Another day of rains, and all of those houses would have been uninhabitable too, include our Dam House.