Apparently I was being a grouch at this age too. By this point I had been taking piano for about four-five years or so.
24 April 1983
[Temple Mission
Kensington, MD]
Dear [Granddaughter],
How’s my grand daughter? Smilling[sic] I hope. Be loving and kind.
Grandma has to work at this too. We get tired and grouchy but that wasn’t the way that Jesus acted. He Loved and showed kindness.
Thanks for your letters to me. Now I want you to take a sheet of Note book paper size and draw me a picture. So I can display it at Relief Society with the other Grandma’s in June. I’d proudly show one you draw – a Animal, Church house, parents & children going to Church, you choose what you’d like. Could be a idea from your Book of Mormon reading course.
Jed can draw one too if he’d like.
I love all my grand children and want them to be servants of our Father in heaven.
Obey Mama & Daddy too. They may seem tough but they love you and are trying to guide to be kind and loving as Jesus would have us all be.
Work hard on your music you want[sic] regret it years from now.
Love you
Its has been a rainy day but we had a good Stake Conference.
Note: Grandmary came down to visit recently and brought along some samples of our early artwork, as well as some of my correspondence with Grandma Ollie. Grandmary is FINALLY going through files and boxes that were brought back from NC and being stored at the CT house. I can't wait to see what other bits and bobs she unearths.
These early watercolors were done when I was younger than 11, but it's fun to include them here with this particular letter. Jed did the car and I did the ice cream. What does that say about our personalities?

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