
PROGRAMMING NOTE from the Author and Archivist

So obviously I just stopped blogging on this platform. I'll get back to it eventually. Or not. I'm taking a break from all social media. It seemed necessary for my mental health.

The last few years have been busy and … challenging:

- 2015 Happened.
- 2016 Let's call it The Lost Year. (Obviously words failed me.)
- 2017 about broke me. Literally. Mentally.
- 2018 was ridiculous, proving 2017 was just a warm up. (Good thing I was already broken so it couldn't hurt as much.#2018TrashCanFire I thought things were going okay, but maybe not?)

- 2019 was such a blur. I know there were highlights, but then stuff happened and carried into the next year...

- And then in March#2020 really took a turn. Who can even categorize 2020? Do we dare?

I kinda want a do-over of some of the last few years. But life doesn’t work that way.

So for now, I'm hunkering down. Regrouping. Trying to stay safe and sort some stuff out.

Stay safe everyone. Stay well.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Feb. Funks: I get by with little help from my friends

To quote some very wise Beatles, I get by with a little help from my friends -- who I "heart" very much.Just when I thought I was going to make it through my least favorite month without succumbing to the usual funk, it was truly bubbling over the last week or so. Even brief day of 66 degrees, the sun being out longer at night, Vitamin D and C supplements, gym attendance, and trying to ignore other triggers wasn't helping. Even knowing that I had scheduled a "mental health" day wasn't enough to boost me through. (I'm actually scared of what next year will be like ... 11 months in advance) ...

HOWEVER, last minute rescues a.k.a. dinner and transportation by the camera shy Cynthia, and a large care package and a Fairway Cafe lunch from Jane yesterday,
seem to have given me the lift to push me through until I could get some "game time" in with the girls. (seen here on the last "retreat" in October 2010.)Just a few more days until February is finally over and I can truly flash the VICTORY sign.

Thanks dear friends. Really. You just can't know ...

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