Last year I did a lot of exploring of New York, visiting with friends, and travelling to Caramoor. This year I've lumped a lot of the Fridays into my RoadTrips, but there are a few "orphans" that I've been using to explore and catch-up with people, crafts, and cleaning, as well as other "projects."
This year, my first summer Friday was dedicated to grown-up pursuits, aka my first physical in five or six years. It also marked an important milestone in grown-up hood -- the first mammogram. (That was it? What 's with all the fussing Grandmary?! It wasn't that bad.) Auntie Nettie is pleased to thank her genetics and ancestors and those trips to the gym this year; aside from high cholesterol, gout and a higher than prescribed BMI, (but not as high as we thought!), she's fine. Oh, there are other medical things she has to address, but she's not sacrificing ANY more of her summer Fridays this year for that.
Instead, since she was already in the neighborhood, she decided to pop over to Caramoor to see friends ... and to stop and smell the roses.

(There's my buddy Christine again, fiddling around ... or trying to swat me off!)
Granted this wasn't as exciting as some of my other Summer Friday adventures from 2009, but you have to ease into these things! I'm saving my energies for the Big RoadTrips later this summer!
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