Auntie Nettie said: As part of Auntie Nettie and Grandmary's Roadtrip through North Carolina, we visited a lovely beach community with lots of vacation homes and rentals. We drove past this little park and we decided to go back and make a drop. The park was near a pier and the lot was full of minivans with families with small children. I dropped this bear at the top of a slide, as a reward for an intrepid climber.
After I dropped the bear at the top of the slide, I figured I better leave another toy in the park -- since I had seen a family with two kids heading down the pier. I went back to the car and grabbed another toy to drop. This kitty cat was left on the swings for a younger sibling or friend to find and enjoy.
Stay tuned to The Toy Society to find out if anyone took home the weiner dog, the panda, or the kitty cat.
I can't wait to drop more toys on my MidWest Roadtrip 2010 and River Trip 2010 later this summer.
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