Grandma's mailbox ... down the long drive and across the street;
The long and winding drive, past the fields and a forest;
One of the fields, pre-plowed for planting; and a
View of the remaining barn and the big pecan tree. The carport has since been converted into an enclosed sunroom.
The new owners of the farmhouse and five acres were home, so we didn't go up the drive to look around. We just dealt with some of the other field and forest issues and drove by.

8 June 1992
[The Farm
Pikeville, NC]
Dear Granddaughter,
My how time flies away. An I haven’t got Cought[sic] up yet. Most feal[sic] am waisting[sic] my time. But do acomplish[sic] things. Did get the Cobwebs down all around the house and Car port too. Made it look most like it had been painted. Your dad and Jed did paint the edge boards all around house (out side edge) made things look better.
Our visit and work jobs all went well while they were here. Hope I didn’t over work them. Cut wood, split wood, painted barn (wood work), went to town paid my wreck charge ticket. Visit to Dr’s office. Said my eye presure[sic] was down. And seemed pleased and would make me another apointment[sic] 3-4 months off. Cateracts[sic] are alright for a year. (Not ready to be removed).
Uncle Hyrum isn’t fealing[sic] very good. Think it is the medicine makes him feal[sic] slugish[sic]. Will check with Doctor again soon.
Uncle Henry is still getting exercise on hip. Still improving slowly. Can get on tractor and plow.
The Wheat is most ready to harvest Looks pretty and golden. Hope it has felled heads (grains) good.
Hope you have got your Patiracl[sic] blessing by now. And keep up your reading the B of M. Yes it is important not to get behind on Tithing. We should stay in good standing with the Lord. We need his help aways.
Oh my spelling is not good.
Sounds like you are climbing the lader[sic] and into a young Woman. Lots of changes. All take patience too.
Our parents do try to guide us around many bumps in life. Which they had time with. Of if we could accept their learning would make our days easer[sic] to go through. Yes I was that way too. Sort of stubern[sic]. Hope I have improved some and learned patience too.
Sounds like you are going to[sic] busy. Don’t get so loaded down that you don’t have the time to smell the Flowers. Your schedual[sic] sound versital[sic] enough to be interesting and not Boaring[sic]. Find pleasure in your work and it will be easer[sic]. Love in what you are doing makes all the difference. Remember the grades don’t show all you know. Do your best and be Happy.
The Crops surely look good Had Cool to Cold nights on it But is warmer now. Also had a slow all night rain 1.2 inch and the plants soaked it up. May get a shower today.
Am trying to get a suit made so can wear it. The Air Conditions in Church sure cools things and I could use it a little warmer.
Supose[sic] your Mom told you Uncle Hyrum is a Stake Patriarch now. We are all proud of him. He’ll be a good one.
You are right all those Cousins are growing up. Emily will graduate from High School next year.
Oh my grass should be cut again. I cut it after your dad left. Wasn’t enough time so Jed could mow it for me before they left. But I can do that with no big problem.
Well I have Uncle Hyrum’s Car and we plan to go see how the repair job on my Car is Coming on. It has taken to[sic] long already.
Take Car of yourself and take Care of your church work and thing will go your way.
Love you Lots
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