This letter from Grandma Roa references my trip to Costa Rica, and also my brother Jed's mission to California. Grandma may not have been so into some part of Utah's main religion, but was proud of both boys' service, especially seeing as she shared that apartment house with innumerable sets of missionaries.
The stories of my brothers' missions to California and Brazil are really theirs to tell. I have some very fun letters to and from them during these times, but will let them tell those tales to their kids when, and if, it's appropriate.
3 21 94
Ogden, Utah
Dear [Granddaughter],
I was going to have this answered by the time you got back from Costa Rica. I hope you had a good time & saw a lot of new things. At least you got away from the snow for a few days now you guys know how its been here a few winters. I am glad we haven’t had it bad this year but like I said it will snow in May like it has a few times befor[sic].
I got a letter from Jed today he said he has been real bissay[sic] & likes it in Victorvill[sic] as it is out of the Smog & they have a car there I don’t think he liked going up & down hills on his bike. He’s worried about the heat but I don’t think it will be as bad as he thinks.
It took me a while to read all of the paper you sent then I got down to the bottom & saw you had done the writing doing good girl keep it up one of these days you will get where you want to be. At least I hope you can do better than your grandma & not have to worry about everything all the time.
I’m sending your Easter card early like I did Jed’s.
Have a good Easter and get back to work.
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