
PROGRAMMING NOTE from the Author and Archivist

So obviously I just stopped blogging on this platform. I'll get back to it eventually. Or not. I'm taking a break from all social media. It seemed necessary for my mental health.

The last few years have been busy and … challenging:

- 2015 Happened.
- 2016 Let's call it The Lost Year. (Obviously words failed me.)
- 2017 about broke me. Literally. Mentally.
- 2018 was ridiculous, proving 2017 was just a warm up. (Good thing I was already broken so it couldn't hurt as much.#2018TrashCanFire I thought things were going okay, but maybe not?)

- 2019 was such a blur. I know there were highlights, but then stuff happened and carried into the next year...

- And then in March#2020 really took a turn. Who can even categorize 2020? Do we dare?

I kinda want a do-over of some of the last few years. But life doesn’t work that way.

So for now, I'm hunkering down. Regrouping. Trying to stay safe and sort some stuff out.

Stay safe everyone. Stay well.


Friday, October 17, 2008


Does anyone remember the Friends* episode where Chandler wants to quit the gym but can’t?

Well, substitute “gym” for one of Auntie Nettie’s jobs. There’s nothing particularly wrong with the “gym.” If Auntie Nettie wasn’t in hawk to the “bank,” she probably would have quit the “gym” a while ago.

Going to the “gym” is like going to the dentist sometimes. Not particularly enjoyable, but necessary. At the end of a session (whether long or short), she sometimes has a pounding headache along with a scolding from the trainer.

Then there’s “Maria.” If she wasn’t loyal to “Maria,” she probably would have quit already.

Plus there’s the financial toll. Unlike Chandler, who was supposed to get money back from his gym fees, how will Auntie Nettie replace the steady loss of income from the “gym?” Rent is going up, as is everything else, plus there are these pesky other outstanding debts.

Darn it.

“I want to quit the gym. I WANNA QUIT THE GYM!”

Does anyone know the going rate for a pristine kidney these days?
Could I BE anymore whiney?
UPDATE: Stay tuned ... Announcements to follow

*Season Four, Episode 77, “The One with the Ballroom Dancing.”

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