Thursday, March 27, 2008

New Poll - Fake Name Nominations

Thanks to all those whose snarky and helpful suggestions have created a list of possible fake names for Auntie Nettie to use outside the blogosphere and/or when she's finally finished that m.s. and needs a publisher.

We're going to take about a month to poll and then finalize the results of the fake name nominations process.* In honor of March Madness, this will be a tiered process; 3 weeks of narrowing down the 15 nominations that I have deemed usable, and 1 week of a "name-off."

This week's names are up on the poll and have been randomly selected by a poor office mate who has no idea why I had her pulling names out of a hat.


(*Why do I need a fake name again? See the links above, and here.)


  1. Yes, even thou you live in the Evil Empire, you are still loved. :)
    sure the Peeps don't want to rent my house? Things are getting ugly.

  2. Although Ashford Smalls sure is a good name...I voted for....

  3. hmmm... this is a tough one. I shall have to think on it a tad.
