Friday, July 20, 2012

Auntie Nettie's Attic Merchandise 2012 - June

If you have been reading along, you'll have seen that last month was a little busy. After the craziness of the spring semester, particularly April and May, June was much more low-key, and I'm feeling much better about work, life, and me - in general*. Part of it was due to taking time off to sort things out, literally.

When June rolls around, the offices close on Fridays. We call them Summer Fridays (capitals are due to their importance) and look forward to them all spring long. I managed to use them to:
- Reorganize my closets, cabinets, and assorted storage;
- Spend some time at the New York Botanical Gardens;
- Get Grandma Ollie's sewing machine serviced (after 10 years), so I can eventually learn how to use it (1 craft obsession at a time, thank you very much);
- Catch up on t.v. programs;
- Power through miscellaneous "mix-tape" VHS tapes from days of yore, not to mention odd collections of burned DVD series; and to
- Start going through the buckets of scrap-book items/personal papers left to me by my parents during their move (see retroblogging entries throughout the summer 2012).

I also took all the Mondays off in June [Summer Mondays?] to:
- Recuperate and rejuvenate;
- Do laundry; and
- Get my house and brain in order -- ala
- Do some more of the things mentioned above for Fridays, etc. and so forth.

June was a good time to:
~ Spend time with dear friends like Amelia and Christine in the 'burbs, and also to brunch with Poopeh in true New York weekend fashion. Brunching al fresco is de rigueur for the ladies of NYC, especially in the warmer months.

~ Dropped, and thus destroyed, Ms. Ruby Nikon 2.0 and endeavored to try and replace her with cell-phone, iTouches, and not one, but two, Nikons. (Poor Ruby, no one can really replace her.)

~ Baked and cooked for various work-related parties, including one on the bosslady's terrace in Brooklyn. (Can you say "salary and real-estate envy" much?)

~ Revised all out-side plans due to the crazy ridiculous heat and humidity waves.

Oh, and managed to get a couple of craft projects done, like these listed below.

Now, I don't know why during the hottest weeks of the summer I decided to work with some of my hottest yarns in stock in ye olde Attic, but I did. I think it's really because I'm trying to work through some of my oldest stash of remnants, mystery yarns, and rotate things out of the bottom of the trunks (see above mentioned cleaning jags.) But still, it's weird how it happened.

Oh, and I feel like if I do little projects, like hats, I actually have output for a month, rather than huge blankets that take more time that I have.

ANA 2012-34: Square Blue and White "Granny's Boy" Blanket
(Mystery white chenille and blue Caron 4-ply sport acrylic)
(as of 11/2012, no longer available, donated to Hurricane Sandy relief)
ANA 2012-35: Red Rolled Brim Pull-on Hat
(Skein(s) of Lion Brand chenille, acrylic)
(as of 11/2012, no longer available, donated to Hats for the Homeless)
ANA 2012-36: Purple Pull-down Slouchy Hat
Super big - room for lots of hair or dreads
(Skein(s) of Lion Brand Chenille, acrylic)
(as of 11/2012, no longer available, donated to Hats for the Homeless)
ANA 2012-37: Light Blue Cuff Brim Chenille Hat
(Skein of mystery chenille, acrylic)
(as of 11/2012, no longer available, donated to Hats for the Homeless)
top view of both hats
ANA 2012-38: Light Blue Rolled Brim Chenille Hat
(Skein of mystery chenille, acrylic)
(as of 11/2012, no longer available, donated to Hats for the Homeless)
ANA 2012-39: Slouchy Red Beret with White Trim
(Skeins of Lion Brand Chenille and mystery chenille, acrylic)
(as of 11/2012, no longer available, donated to Hats for the Homeless)
ANA 2012-40: Red Chenille Bunny
(Skein of Lion Brand chenille, acrylic, button, and batting)
(as of 12/13 no longer available, Toys for Tots)
Not technically part of the June group were these pair of Halloween hats for two of my favorite monsters. I started them on the 30th and finished on July 1st, so ... whatever. It's my blog. I'll make up and bend the entry rules if I want to.
ANA 2012-41: Adult Monster (above: right/below: top)
ANA 2012-42: Child Monster (above: left/below: bottom)
(Part of skein of Caron Sport 4-ply acrylic, leftover bits of other acrylics)
(not available, to be gifted)
I have to admit, these last two are almost too cute to gift out - but I'm going to do it. I have a feeling once my other brother and his son/my other nephew get a look at these, I'm going to have make a pair for them too, so no feelings will be upset. I already have a couple ideas about other variations for the girls.

To give credit where credit is due, I adapted the pattern from another blogger: The Boy Trifecta, and her Crochet Monster Hat Pattern. Thank you Emily.

Still in progress:

2010: You know what: My albatross. For photos, just scan the archives. "Write" now it's buried beneath backdrops, No. 34 up there, and other blankets collecting bits of flying chenille.

The shop is still open, but as I haven't looked at in a month or two, the listings may have expired. I need to take a series of photos and do new listings, but it's not high on my list of priorities currently. Getting rid of other detritus of my past is higher on the list that moving out the yarn projects -- but just you wait! I got a new camera (two!) - and I will get it done - eventually. Like my albatross.

If you do see something on these posts that interests you, please e-mail for updated availability, sizes, more photos, and estimates on prices and shipping/handling.

*Post-June note. Am I ever grateful that I got this much stuff and myself pulled together/in a better frame of mind in June, because July started out with a doozy of an attention-getter. DUDE! Seriously. But that's another one of those mysterious things that can only be referred to in general terms right now. Life off-line is tres (fill in your own adjective here)!

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