Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Letters from Ollie J - Feb. 9, 1983, '91 & '94

This is a very rare instance of actually having three letters fall on one date. The last two are only three years a part, but you can begin to sense how much is occurring in a relatively short time frame.

1983: The Middle School years. Not much in the way of excitement. I was about to graduate from Primary in a year or so, so the Church magazine that Grandma got me to share was either the Friend or the New Era.

9 Feb 1983

[Temple Mission
Kensington, MD]

Dear [Granddaughter],

We had snow Sunday but not enough that we couldn’t get to Church. It’s cold outside and snow here still.

I sewed up a quilt top yesterday for the Relief Society. Had big blocks and the work went fast. Now to get it quilted. Think I’ll have some help for that.

Hope you are working very carefully and your music is coming along good. Practice and practice is important.

The Church magazine you should have received is to be shared. Do hope you enjoy it as much as you mom did “Jack and Jill” which she got as a girl – about like you.

Do hope you have a very very nice birthday.

Enjoy life – find pleasure in your work (church, home or school). Will make you a happer[sic] cheerful girl.

I enjoy my work here very very much. Sometime the job is new and I wonder if I can learn it. Well guess what? I do learn it and like it too.

Be good, loving, and God bless you.



1991: The College Years
I suspect that the chiding you read here is because I was working on the switchboard on Sunday mornings as part of my work-study financial aid package and NOT going to Church.

Historical context kids, before EVERYONE had mobile telecommunication devices, calls came into one main number via land-line. In a dormitory setting, that meant that the switchboard operator would buzz the appropriate dorm room to send the inhabitants scurrying down to the hall wall-phone to call the desk and the incoming call would be transferred upstairs to the person. You would take your call out in the middle of the dorm hallway. Not so much privacy, but somehow generations of people made it work. In the really "olden times," the operator could actually ease drop on those conversations ... but not when I was the operator. Also, I may or may not have abused my "buzzing" privileges to roost people out of bed after a night of their partying. If I liked you, or you bribed me, I may or may not have had fun with the buzzer.

9 Feb 1991

[The Farm
Pikeville, NC]

Dear Granddaughter,

I was slow so this want[sic] go off today. May even be late reaching you. But I did remember and get it ready. Haven’t decided to run out to Kenly and put it in post office. I feal[sic] sort of slugush[sic]. Just not the up and go should have. Did repair of couple of jeans[sic] – skirt and coveralls for Earl A--. He brought them over one day or so ago. Oh what a pretty warm day outside. But I stayed in.

We’ll go out about Five O’clock as we have a session of our Stake Conference[sic]. This evening. And I do plan to go.

… how about trying this plan. Go to Church and see how that works out. Hope you’d feal[sic] better Spiritually. Yes does make a difference no one to sort of push you go get up and go. I’d feal[sic] better to know you are in Church services on Sunday. Money don’t mean every thing.

Follow the example you have been taught all your life.

See if the Lord want[sic] bless you in many ways.

Should you need some extra for gas – Let me know.

Well I should sweep the house and soon get ready for church.

Love you lots.

May you have a good birthday. God bless you and help you in all your decisions[sic] I pray.


1994: The transition off-campus/transition college/work semester
The winters of 1994-95 and 1995-96 were the worst on record ... up until this year.
The winter of 1994 my poor car was parked on one-way streets and completely and totally buried, byt the snow plows driving by on the street, and then the snow blowers working on the sidewalks. I didn't find it for a week. Luckily everything else was impacted with due to the snow, so I didn't miss too much work or school. I perfected my technique for un-digging the car that winter, as well as how to "rock" the car in and out of spots without spinning my wheels too much. I watch and listen to people now, and just shake my head. I don't volunteer to help them, however. No thank you. The one blessing from the car accident/lawsuit/no-car situation is that I don't have to deal with my vehicle this winter, the unshoveling, the alternate side street parking, and the altercations that are arising from people fighting over cleared spots.

My roommates were nice -- but that dog, wasn't a dog so much as a pair of ferrets. NASTY creatures. I don't care what people say.

Grandma tried to keep up with technology - what with picture taking classes and later trying the computer, but it wasn't really her thing. As previously mentioned, she did get around to making her funeral arrangements, so those church preparation/enrichment classes did come in handy.

9 Feb 1994

[The Farm
Pikeville, NC]

Dear [Granddaughter],

So good to hear from you. Gosh how nice to know you are settled in a apartment and studies.

Hope you don’t have to[sic] much trouble getting to campus. Weather report don’t sound good up your way.

Warm for time of year here this morning put promised temperature would drop to night and tomorrow. With wind and rain. Will see.

Apartment sounds nice. Tell me some about your roommates Nice I hope and all will be happy. I could get along fine with out the Dog.

I have been helping some ladies quilt and I’m cleaning out some boxes. Make quilt tops. I enjoy staying on the move doing something.

Your studies sound good. Pleased you are finding some time to relax.

Learned Aunt Dorothy is moving into a condo. No yard work. Same town. She is excited.

Went to RS last night. Had a picturing[sic] taking class (how to). I went in and got class on Preprations[sic] or preparing your or mine Funeral. Nothing I didn’t know. Not sure if I’ll arrange mine. Will see.

Carol is in College with her 1st Daughter Emily. All’s well or seems to be.

Take Care and God bless you.



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