Thursday, February 10, 2011

Letters from Ollie J - Feb. 10, 1992

Sometimes Grandma would get a little confused as to which of her family I had actually met, and who I hadn't. I didn't get to see Uncle Henry as often as Uncle Hyrum, but I had been down to the Carolina shore to see him and Aunt Virginia.

[And this may or may not have been my birthday or around my birthday. February is usually such a short and crappy month, I have adopted the WHOLE thing as my birthday. Thus all the notes this month.

But ... I must also say, that I am perverse about the whole birthday thing.
I want, er ... WOULD LIKE the presents. I want, er ... WOULD LIKE cards. I appreciate the calls. I want, er ... need the love and affection.

I just don't want a hoopla, a surprise party, any hint of a spectacle at which I must be present/the focus of attention/the hostess/sociable, etc. which extends to letting anyone but close friends/family know about the actual day, in order to preclude aforementioned celebrations and/or my colleagues making a fuss.

Got that?
Love/presents -- yes

Fuss/parties -- HELL TO THE NO!


(or strippers! -- but that's another post.)]

This is probably one of the only cases where we have a letter from grandma that references a letter that I sent her (see Jan. 24, 2011 post with Jan. 24, 1992 recovered letter.)

10 Feb 1992

[The Farm
Pikeville, NC]

Dear GrandDaughter,

Happy 20th Birthday. And may you have many more. Hope this one is special. Hope you are well and Happy.

I am doing fairly well. Doctor said my eyes are weaker. Hope can do something to help them from going so fast. Oh I can see big letters the small ones are weak.

The red flower your mom gave me for Christmas is Blooming has four blooms on one stalk.

So simple to take Care of your Mom Could have done that but she said she’d only kill it. I move it to front window in morning and to back Kitchen window after dinner so will be in sun. And water it twice a week.

Uncle Hyrum is doing fine. Uncle Henry (who you probily[sic] never seen) is doing well after a hip replacement. The operation was last Tuesday. Yes I was down there with him and his family so was Uncle Hyrum.

I have been quilting and my fingers are sore. I quilted one for myself and helped a friend do one.

To day I’m slow getting started.

Had a good Stake Conference yesterday.

Take Care of yourself.

Thanks lots for the Birthday Card.

Those grades were good. Keep it up. Don’t Over Load Yourself.

Love you


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