Saturday, February 28, 2009

Grateful List 2/21-2/27

This last week I was very grateful that I was not stuck in the elevator, though it would have been a great way to meet the neighbors, not to mention all the local fire rescue people.

Now that I think about it, knowing those rescue folk would have been nice. I took a slip on the New York City streets, but thankfully didn't seriously hurt myself. Although bruised and scrapped, I'm grateful that people did stop to make sure that I was only embarrassed. Grace, for the short term, has left the building.

"She" instead, was gratefully indulging in a free lunchtime concert over at the newly reopened
Alice Tully Hall. Taking an hour break to go and listen to classical music, in this case Schubert, with colleagues, in a standing-room-only-concert hall, is something that I need to do more often. Thankfully, I'm at a place that encourages this kind of lunch break.

Finally, I'm grateful to friends who sneakily force me to be social, (like former bosses who "rescued" me and then came to work just blocks away and other friends who decide to celebrate their birthdays in exciting "girlfriend" weekends), and family who are flexible enought to rearrange their plans so I can go and play with the girls.

Much riches.

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