PETA has released a promotional piece featuring Battlestar Galactica’s Jamie Bamber to shed light on the cruelty of black-bear hunting.
Bamber's print PSA is part of PETA's campaign to persuade Queen Elizabeth to end the use of Canadian black bear fur for headwear worn by Buckingham Palace guards. Mr. Bamber is a native of London and films the space-based show in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Did I say thank you? SOOOOOO MUCH!
Also in the last episode of BSG, Deadlock, did you catch the Sci-Fi channel, Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, in-joke?
It was a quick scene, and you have to have watched FAR too much Stargate SG-1, but if you watched the scenes with Baltar and his harem in Dogtown, when they were distributing food, you would have seen Patrick Currie playing the heavy.
Patrick Currie played the role of Fifth, the fifth Human Form Replicator that the team encountered on Stargate SG-1. There were ultimately eight replicator “skin jobs,” if you will. Ironically, Tahmoh Penikett aka Karl “Helo” Agathon, played the Third model in the SG episode – and on BSG his character is now married to a Model Eight.
You have to wonder which of the skin jobs would win in a fight?
Cylon vs. Replicators
Grudge Match
Coming Soon ....
If anyone again calls me out as the über-nerd of the family, I'm going to refer them here.
Nah nah nah. I can't hear you over the ticking of the clock counting down until the show is on tonight!