I am writing to ask your help in tracking down my Shushing Librarian. Months and months ago she departed on a what was supposed to be a relatively short journey to the West to visit the Testmonkey's Lair. I know she arrived, as I saw her unopened shipping container when I visited the the offices of the Monkey ... way back in May.
She's been missed at the Big J. People have asked about her. They wonder where she is and why more of Amazing Adventures haven't been seen here on this blog.
Sniff. I thought she was going to have some adventures, meet some people, spread the good "shush" throughout the land. I should have staged a jail break when I saw the package. My only consolation is that while she has been deprived of air and light, S.L. was able to feast upon the candy and chocolates that I put in the container with her (and it was good stuff too!)
Perhaps the rules I set down for the IT boys were too hard? Perhaps work has interfered? Maybe she's buried under dead computer parts? Has a Mac rotted upon her? Who knows?!I just want her back safely by some point in the fall semester so she can go back to the Library and help me wrangle the Prep kids and their parents.
Enclosed is a photo (shown almost actual size) to remind you what she looked like.
If you have any information on the whereabouts and the adventures of the Shushing Librarian, please let me know by blog.
Auntie Nettie