Friday, March 14, 2008

Grammar Oddity of the Week

The next in our weekly series, brought to you courtesy of The New York Public Library Desk Reference, Fourth Edition.

Page 418:
No other words in the English language rhyme with the words month, orange, silver, or purple.

Page 427:

The Hawaiian alphabet has only 12 letters: the five vowels and the consonants H, K, L, M, N, P, and W.


What I wouldn't give for a tropical view right about now.


  1. I'm intrigued by these grammar oddities of the week. I've spent a good deal of my life trying to figure out what rhymes with purple. Obviously it was all in vain.

  2. @Anonymous: uh, "blurple." Duuuh.

    @Auntie: Would that mean that the Hawaiian language is easier, then?
