Wednesday, March 12, 2008

3/5/08 Mystery Item of the Week -- Results

Many thanks to all of those who tried to identify the Mystery Item of the Week. We had a variety of guesses from our usual commentators, lurkers, and some anonymous guests. The answers ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous, but there were some correct guesses. Bonus points were awarded for those who figured out what triggered the blog post.

To recap, the guesses were:

~A knit bra;
~A scrunchy;
~Steering wheel cover;
~A reference to the fertilization process;
~Ruffled leg warmers;
~A facecloth;
~A long sock;
~The sand dunes at the beginning of Disney's Aladdin;
~A coral reef;
~The wig for when you try out for that Wendy's commercial. Or for when you play Pippi Longstocking on Broadway; or
~A small scale (and blurry) model of the Grand Canyon.

FUN guesses all … But oh, so WRONG (and in testmonkey’s case, icky!)

There were actually three correct guesses that it was …. THIS!

One very funky, ruffle, spiral scarf.

The First correct guess was from a lurker who replied to me off-line – Congratulations K***!
The Second correct guess was from Anonymous!*
The Third correct guess was from Jane and her Mom, who were awarded the bonus points for knowing what triggered the post, aka this New York Times article and really bad photographic technique.

To the “winners;” How I’m supposed to split two (cuz, there's another version, just more open-weaved) scarves three or four ways, I haven’t figured out yet, but I’ll let you know off-line.

Thanks for playing and
Stay tuned for the next installment of
Mystery Item of the Week.

* Now, according to the caveat that I had to post, if I don't know who you are, you can't win prizes.

How can I send them to you if you're Anonymous to me?

Just saying.


  1. that's a sweet scarf! Can't wait for the next mystery item!! Maybe this time I'll figure it out ;)

  2. hmmm a lurker who knits. of course K was going to win.
    now when is she going to at least create an identity, or even a blog (come on K, I know you have plenty to say)

  3. um, technically the ovum leaving the ovary doesn't have much to do with fertilization. I mean, it leaves whether it's fertilized or not.

    I mean, I'm sure it'd like to be fertilized - don't get me wrong. And when it's not, I'd bet it's a little sad. But still, my point remains.

  4. @testmonkey -- OH GOOD GRIEF!
    Do you really want to have this discussion?

  5. @Flax Hill -- All this discussion with testmonkey is because his wife is due any week now with their second daughter. He's overrun with estrogen, and is a SNAG to boot. If he only knew what it was really like when those pesky ovums were running through our systems, he would have never brought it up.

    It's TOTALLY off-topic too.

  6. Oh, come now Flax and Auntie - what's the internet good for if not some great tangential digressions? I mean, isn't that the genesis of this?

  7. I won?! Forward my prize to testmonkey, please. With a wife due "any week now", he might need something to stuff into his mouth. You know, because "he's overrun with estrogen" and we all know that it's better to just shove something in your mouth at that point.

    That said, ovums *are* pesky. The end.

    I can't wait for the next mystery item of the week.

  8. @Anonymous: wow. Thanks! I think?
