Friday, February 27, 2015

Live Long and Prosper

RIP Leonard Nimoy 
Best known for playing Spock on Star Trek

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Winter Woes / Wee Sickies / Silly Smiles

This has been a rough winter all around. While the East Coast has been frigid, the West seems to be spared the weather, at least. The various flu bugs, however, keep hitting the Idaho crew in successive waves.

Despite it all, they still are cuties. And I have to thank technology and proud parents and grandparents for sharing.

This one's from about a month ago - when the three biggest were ill, but they had to go out for fresh air, just to give Momma and Jaime a break. As you can tell, no one seemed happy about it. I think Jaime was just confused about the face-masks that her parents were apparently wearing. (And look ... NO SNOW ... in IDAHO ... in February.)
Elle just looks like she's praying to go back to bed.

Jaime was still a happy girl a few days later.
Cameo by the granny square quilt I made for her parents many, many years ago.

 Meanwhile, big sister Elle has lost her first tooth mid-month, which her mother reports she pulled out all by herself.
No word on what the Tooth Fairy is paying for self-removed teeth these days.
 She's doing better than me. I only managed to lose one tooth naturally. 
The rest involved many many different trip to the oral surgeons.
And orthodontists.
Oh boy. Are they in for it - for years.
Times four.
(Speaking of which, where are the remains of my retainer? I need to put it in.)

Amber's birthday last weekend was super fun.
Mom reports that she got to take the day off from school so she could do whatever she wanted.
She went to lunch with Papa (tradition), went to the park, and got to make crafts.
 I really like her cake. I may have to make myself one just like it.

Grumpa shared this one last week, with the report that his mother kept finding him like this,
napping because he was having a hard time sleeping because of a cough.

I had that cough. It was wracking, but let's take a moment to look at the 
size of his PUPPY feet. 
He's going to be SO TALL!
 Just like his sisters!

This is the most recent shot, from Sunday, where
these were the only two sisters who made it to church.
 (And the more I look at Jaime, the more I see so many grandmothers - on BOTH sides - in that little face.)

Thanks to their parents for sharing on a site I'm not one, and for Grumpa for then sharing with me, so I can share with you.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Layers of Snow

I'm getting to the point where these are the only kinds of snowflakes I like.
At least they keep me warm.

Last night it was 0.

I am just grateful it's not in the negatives.
The wind is though.


Remember that January three years ago when I was kayaking in Utah and it was in the 60s?
 I was wearing flipflops in the red sands and walking barefoot down the dock.
 Or hiking in shortsleeves in the sun?
 Even if the edge of the trail was too close for my comfort?

Actually, I'm beginning to forget. 
I think I need to plan a winter trip to southern Utah - for 2016 ...
Sigh. ARGH!
That's TOOOOOOO far away.

Is it spring yet?

Monday, February 23, 2015

43 Ideas for Birthday 43: 43 Ways to Say Thank You

Sorry for the relative quiet after so many blog posts this year, but I was busily hunkering down to stay warm, taking some personal retreat and reflection days around the actual event and holiday, dealing with some work-related issues, but mostly writing copious amounts of THANK YOU NOTES.
I was overwhelmed, touched, amazed, humbled, and delighted by the various cards, notes, packages and presents that were delivered in honor of my birthday. Honestly ... I am just touched. Hopefully I have gotten all my notes written and returned in a timely fashion, but I know there is still one or two to write.

Here are just a few little highlights from the magical Birthday Fairies:

Stamps, stationery, Advil, gift cards, checks, oh my
(It's like they read something that gave them some hints!)

Adorable artwork from my littles, along with calorie-free cake and candles for more wishes:
Combo packages bursting at the seams, festooned with Fun Facts, more unicorns, and more birthday banners:

These are just a few photos of the weeks-long celebrations, meals, munchies, cards, and well wishes.

The biggest surprise -- and the one gift that still needs a thank you -- is this 12lb. mystery box that was delivered to the office (so someone did their research),
 filled with this little racy number. 
WHOO HOOO! Shopping basket = shopping time.
Or Schlepping
Or laundry
Or moving

Hello? If you are reading this - THANK YOU mystery donor. 
I won't push too much. I know sometime Birthday Fairies like to be anonymous, but really? Thank you.
(and fess up?)

When February, the cold, the snow, the grey, the COLD, (did I mention the cold?), and your weekly team meetings seem endless, it's good to have colorful, hearty cheesecake celebrations and surprise presents.

THANK YOU ALL! 43 ways to Sunday.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Happy 9th Birthday, Amber!

This little cutie has suddenly grown up.
Baby niece Amber is now 9!
A Super FIERCE and attitudinous 9!
She's still snuggly with Grandmary, but now is much more independent.
If you can't find her playing with her sibs, she's deep in a book, (still with those bendy knees), or considering her books, or contemplating the next book. Or writing me a book report, or talking to me on Skype, or asking about more books.
I was so glad to visit a year ago for her baptism and to take pictures of her many faces;
Baptism day 2014
Nope - this is not an inherited look, at all. NOPE.
Seeing Eye to Eye with Auntie
Sweets for the sweet?
Jazz hands!
Takes after her aunt, or something.
Imp of Perverseness v. 2
Do you see the future teen, or is it just me?
As grateful as I am for Skype, FaceTime, email attachments, iMessages, letters, phone calls, and notes - I still wish I was closer so I could be a better aunt to the kids, especially this little mini-me. Sending presents of books, shared birthday month amethyst heirloom jewelry from when I was her age, and random notes, just isn't enough sometimes.

I hope when, and if she ever sees this blog, she'll know that I love her very much, and wish her a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY and a fun, nifty, spectacular, exciting, and adventuresome year.

All my love,

Auntie Nettie