Monday, February 23, 2015

43 Ideas for Birthday 43: 43 Ways to Say Thank You

Sorry for the relative quiet after so many blog posts this year, but I was busily hunkering down to stay warm, taking some personal retreat and reflection days around the actual event and holiday, dealing with some work-related issues, but mostly writing copious amounts of THANK YOU NOTES.
I was overwhelmed, touched, amazed, humbled, and delighted by the various cards, notes, packages and presents that were delivered in honor of my birthday. Honestly ... I am just touched. Hopefully I have gotten all my notes written and returned in a timely fashion, but I know there is still one or two to write.

Here are just a few little highlights from the magical Birthday Fairies:

Stamps, stationery, Advil, gift cards, checks, oh my
(It's like they read something that gave them some hints!)

Adorable artwork from my littles, along with calorie-free cake and candles for more wishes:
Combo packages bursting at the seams, festooned with Fun Facts, more unicorns, and more birthday banners:

These are just a few photos of the weeks-long celebrations, meals, munchies, cards, and well wishes.

The biggest surprise -- and the one gift that still needs a thank you -- is this 12lb. mystery box that was delivered to the office (so someone did their research),
 filled with this little racy number. 
WHOO HOOO! Shopping basket = shopping time.
Or Schlepping
Or laundry
Or moving

Hello? If you are reading this - THANK YOU mystery donor. 
I won't push too much. I know sometime Birthday Fairies like to be anonymous, but really? Thank you.
(and fess up?)

When February, the cold, the snow, the grey, the COLD, (did I mention the cold?), and your weekly team meetings seem endless, it's good to have colorful, hearty cheesecake celebrations and surprise presents.

THANK YOU ALL! 43 ways to Sunday.

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