Friday, December 27, 2013

Happy 46th Anniversary!

Some 46 odd years ago, two fresh faced kids took advantage of a short Christmas Navy leave, travelled West from the docks of Virginia to Utah, and got married in the land of the Utes snow. Then they travelled to sunny sands of southern Utah for their Dixie honeymoon. (We once asked why Dixie*... The "pause" for the answer was embarrassing to their teenaged kids--but we figured out ALL the whys ...later.)

Many many decades would pass and back to a Dixie-area they would fly again.
Somewhere along the way the crazy started.
They blame the kids and grandkids, but I have a feeling they were always crazy....
In love with each other, despite it all.

(But they wonder where we get it from?)

Happy Anniversary, you crazy kids!


Art by Ms. T-- for their 40th; US Navy "glamour" shot; Wedding dress by Grandma Ollie, studio shot and veil <I think and will probably be corrected as soon as Grandmary ever reads this.>

Grumpa and Drew c. Christmas 2013

Grandmary and some weirdo on the Cape in a rental c. October 2013

*not the name of the actual town, but the region

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