Saturday, October 12, 2013

Auntie Nettie's Attic Merchandise 2013 - July, August, September

I've been flipping through my notes from the summer trying to remember what it was that kept me so busy. It was things that have no visible output on the blog; things like culling through closets, buckets, shelves, etc. Other items on the summer agenda were finishing "grown-up" life projects - like running and cleaning credit reports, shredding bills and documents, getting rid of old electronics, etc. etc. etc.

MOST importantly, at least to me, it was imperative to finally finish off crafting projects that I had laying around the Attic. 

To that end, here's the few projects from July through September.

ANA 2013-22: Purple Scarf 

It's a miracle only 3 years in the making! HOLY COW.

Can I have a moment to savor the fact that the UFO/Bane of My Existence is FINALLY Finished.

ANA 2013-23: 
(Multiple skeins of white Caron sport yarn, arcylic; and Lion Brand Roma yarn, acrylic - Roma, discontinued)


Much like my life, I don't know why I was so "stuck" on this. I only needed a (three years and a) four-day weekend of no interruptions to power through it. And now, it's done. Whoo-hoo! (Though, fair warning - it is SUPER warm. Don't, like me, have a lap full of this stuff when it is over 80-100 degrees. It may look light, but it gets HOT fast.)

ANA 2013-24: Little Bitty Blankie, Fuchsia
(4 skeins of Plymouth Yarns, Dreambaby DK, 0306, Silly Spots, acrylic and nylon)

ANA 2013-25: Old-fashion Capelet
(Leftover skeins of Lion Brand ROMA acrylic, discontinued)

Now that the UFO is done .. I need to get cracking selling these things. Next project? Maybe more trunk sales. And getting the shop up and running. 

Maybe next year.

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