Sunday, October 21, 2012

Auntie Nettie's Attic Merchandise 2012 - September

May you live in interesting times:

I think someone "blessed" me so that as 2012 passed -- things have only gotten more "interesting." Life in September got very busy (as you probably have seen from the lack-of blog posts) and I have to look back a lot of pages in what passes for my diary to remember what the heck happened -- aside from my jobs totally taking over.
If I'm reading my scrawls correctly, September:
~ Started off on Labor Day weekend with me "laboring" - helping out my friend Cynthia tackle a garage cleaning assignment that was on a hot muggy day full of poopy natural surprises. (Though I have super fond memories of eating a delicious omelet with chorizo, cilantro, and tomatoes ... MMMM.) What is the incubation period for the hanta virus, because I know I ingested mouse poop in a few forms that day. Seriously. YUCK!

I also:
~ Crocheted some of the baby bibs you'll see below, while sitting in the dark during Convocation for work. I knew I was getting to the point where I didn't have to watch what I was doing while watching t.v.. But now I know I can also crochet simple things in the dark with the lights out.
~ Had a lovely unexpected dinner with Christine in the City, to try and catch up with work/life before we got swamped by the incoming tide of change. So glad we did. October got WORSE - for both of us!; 
~ Cleaned out some of my kitchen stuff, including scrubbing decades of accumulated gook off pots and pans so to donate to the next generation of chefs (my work-study students); 
~ Missed brunch and baby shower plans due to illness, inclement weather, and geographic impossibilities; 
~ Cleaned, purged, watched television a lot on the weekends to catch-up, called to family/friends -- all necessary as I was about to be caught up in what we'll call "Hurricane H*******" aka the aftermath of an unexpected star-studded memorial/fund-raising event wherein it was "organized" by "amateurs" who had no idea how to coordinate guest lists and then it took over 22-different spreadsheets of data to be entered for over 700-1000 individuals, each with variations in proper spelling/contact information/relationships into my company's database into a coherent form. So. Yeah. That took weeks of research, 12-14 hour days, and juggling of deadlines, egos, priorities, and what I'm calling the 5-stages of frustration. There was anger, bitterness/resentment, denial, then grudging acceptance, and finally a horrible dose of gallows humor. (I kept track of hours, and OMH the comp and OT that I am owed -- if I only had TIME to take my comp time!) Then I had to interact with the oblivious, the obnoxious, the defensive, and the self-congratualory ... well ... 

Let's jut say GRRRR and that:
I also:
~ got sick during all this;
~ ate all wrong; 
~didn't sleep right;
~barely remembered to pay my bills on time; or
~send birthday/anniversary cards out; or to
~have the energy to go to Maker's Faire this year.

I felt the worst about missing friends and Maker's Faire. I bought a ticket and everything. But between the work stress, hours, and the sheer exhaustion, the one or two days I didn't have to work, I just didn't have the energy to muster up to head to Queens and be surrounded by people.

Little did I know that parts of October ... 

It's not just me ... is there some weird celestial misalignment going on? Is Mars in retro-grade? WHAT IS GOING ON?

It's good thing I have SOME sort of therapy outlet I can only imagine I would be WORSE off mentally, and that's saying something.

So -- yeah. Maybe you can see a theme to my crafts this month? It veers from being full of love for the new lights in the family that are due in a month or so, to be wildly optimistic and seeing love and hearts everywhere, to being bird-brained and thinking that every one is a monster.

Or something! 

In any event, here are the many creations from September including:

Baby Shower presents for Phineas and Ferbina

ANA 2012: 66 and  67: Pink and Blue square "ribbed" washcloths for the twins
(Lily Cotton Sugar 'n Cream 4-ply cotton) 
 ANA 2012-70 and 71: Pink and Blue bibs for the twins
(Lily Cotton Sugar 'n Cream 4-ply cotton and buttons)
Details of the fastenings: Two loops, depending on the size of their little heads/growing bodies 

ANA 2012-72 and 73: Pink and Blue round washcloths for the twins (in back of rounds)
(Lily Cotton Sugar 'n Cream 4-ply cotton)
ANA 2012-74 and 75: Mini camo owlies 
(left: 74, fledgling; right, 75, grey-eyed adult) 
(Miscellaneous mystery acrylic and left-over wool)
  ANA 2012-76: Maroon stripped mini owlie
(Miscellaneous left-over acrylic yarn and batting)
ANA 2012-77: Fuchsia pull-over with pink hearts and XOs 
(Red Heart and left-over miscellaneous acrylic yarn types) 
(as of 12/13 no longer available, gifted)
ANA 2012-78: Fuchsia pull-over with purple hearts and subtle accents 
(Red Heart and left-over miscellaneous acrylic yarn types) 
(as of 4/14, no longer available, sold)
ANA 2012-79: Fuchsia mini (or skull cap) with two hearts (pink/white)
(Red Heart and left-over miscellaneous acrylic yarn types) 
(as of 12/13 no longer available, gifted)

ANA 2012-80: Black Cyclops hat, with horns 
(Red Heart and left-over miscellaneous acrylic yarn types) 
(as of 4/14, no longer available, sold)
ANA 2012-81: Black Cylops hat, with horn and bulging dilated green eye - Rolled brim
(Red heart and left-over miscellaneous acrylic yarn types) 
(as of 11/2013, no longer available)
ANA 2012-82: Black Cyclops hat, with horns and bulging green eye
(Red Heart and left-over miscellaneous acrylic yarn types) 
(as of 11/2013, no longer available)
Alternatively, if you don't a bulging third-eye in the middle of your forehead, you could flip these around and have a Janus-head thing -- and freak out the people walking too close behind you.
Still in progress; 

3 mini owlies
1 pink afghan

 2010: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Didn't you read all about the sagas of the last few months? It's amazing I got anything done ... at all!

Regarding the shop: I think I've come to the conclusion it ain't happening this year. I just can't see me finding extra time to dedicate to it this year, especially given my travel plans from now through ... well 2013! However, if you see something on here, let me know, so I can see if it's still in stock, and not somewhere else, and give you an idea of prices.

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