Monday, June 25, 2012

Auntie Nettie's Attic Merchandise 2012 - May

The month of May can be summed up as Momentous.

I had to take a blogging break just to keep up with the craziness that was going on off-line. From things from one extreme to another, the whole circle of life was represented--the miraculous, the mundane, the marvelous, the murky, the maddening .... things that made me want to sing like an operatic mezzo in one moment and to commit murder while screaming MERDE MERDE MERDE at the next.

There's a lot that I still can't talk about, things at both end of spectrum, but while that was all swirling around, I still managed to:

~ Work way the heck too much (which certainly didn't help while I was trying to deal with everything else going on). The stress situation with work has not changed, so what else can be said that hasn't been said before? I'm going to have to be the one that has to change things, and if you know me, you know I hate change. So .... um... yeah. Viscous cycle. Trying to deal with that.;
~ Go to a wonderful documentary, First Position, about a dance competition. Watching a documentary about dance in the company of dancers is odd. You don't know why they are commenting -- Is it complimentary? Jealousy? Cattiness? What do I know? It looked lovely to me.;
~ Rented an adorable Scottish indie with the Doctor, I mean David Tennant, called The Decoy Bride, and now I really want to travel to the Isle of Hegg and/or just listen to people with accents read anything. (Seriously. I would listen to the phone book being read if it's in a brogue. When does Brave come out?);
~ Have "A Day of Drama" (trademark pending) with Ms. Emily and Ms. Wendy in NYC, with an afternoon of Shakespeare, which did nothing to Tame the Shrew, especially if you don't feed a teenager on time or let her play in the Park;
~ Have a Quicky RoadTrip to CT wherein:
- My home-sickness was temporarily abated;
- I took my dam self to a dam place, as well as explored other places and did some retail therapy;
- I got to see my brother from another mother, his wife - a NYC travel buddy, and their kids; but
- Most importantly, I mourned with my sister from another mister and her family, upon the loss of their father, husband, and grandfather, participating in the rites and rituals of surrounding a such a momentous loss, and helped where I could.
P.S. Parkinson's SUCKS. RIP Mr. Neuger;
~ Drove back to NY in the wee small hours of the morning, so I could get over the river to help out at a Service Shower: a non-gift baby shower for a friend due with her third child/son wherein 3 adults and 2 children descended upon her home and proceeded to tape off and paint the converted large attic of her husband's family home-- and event that also included food, gabbing, some kvetching, lots of water, children running around, plus cats and dogs trying to get in and out of spaces;
~ Enjoy the freedom of having a car to do major shopping runs and explorations, but being glad to return it and not having the responsibility of insurance, parking, maintenance, etc.;
and finally,
~ Spend time at the "alma mater" doing a "trunk show" for Auntie Nettie's Attic and talking to the girls.

With all that going on, I only managed to complete the following:

ANA 2012-31: Color Block Scarf
(2 skeins Plymouth Yarn, Eros Drifters, Color 410, nylon)

ANA 2012-32: Pretty Pastels Scarf
(2 skeins of KFI Dazzle, Color 119, nylon)

Still in Progress:

2010: The same dang afghan that I haven't finished since 2010, and if you don't know what it looks like by now, just scroll back a month (or year) or two and you'll see photos. 

2011: Red Chenille Scarf - which I'm going to unravel and use for something else. I don't like the way it is working up.

2012: Pink sport yarn worked with skeins of white chenille
(as of 11/2012, no longer available, donated to Hurricane Sandy relief)

The shop is open. Really, it is. I am a horrible marketer. Just as I was about to take new photos for the site, I dropped Ms. RubyNikon and that was the end of that idea for a while.

I actually seem to do better with "train shows" -- aka trunk shows except I haul bags and bags of stuff on the train from place to place and people stock up on stuff. That being said - go to the site.

If you DO see something you like on here, please e-mail for me sizes and prices. If you are local, delivery/s&h arrangements can be made.

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