Monday, February 6, 2012

40 Diamonds for 40: Letters from Lori

I am so fortunate in most of my colleagues. They are so multi-talented. Ms. T***'s office mate and desk partner is Ms. Lori, a Franco-phile of quiet strength and purpose. You would never know it, because she is far too modest, but she is quite a runner -- and has more than a few New York City and other marathon medals to her name. Sly witted, a yarn crafter, and an absolute sweetheart, I'm so pleased that she and T*** were the first of my Big J friends, mentors, and examples, and that they chose to help me celebrate in this way.

Lori is ever so gracious, that she put up with me shooting random pictures in the office.

Dear Auntie Nettie,

I’m wishing you a spectacular time and many adventures in this your 40th year. What a wonderful idea to have a different friend or family member post each day!

As you know, the first time we met was when you interviewed for your job. I’ll never forget when the person who interviewed you came into my office and said “I just met with someone and she has the coolest first name!” This was the first I ever heard of someone being hired based on what a great name they had. (I’m just kidding of course - she then went on to sing your praises.) How lucky the rest of us were that you were hired because we have benefited greatly, not only from your professionalism, talent, and fun spirit, but for the countless baked treats you have shared with us, and your beautiful crafts and creations that grace all of our homes. On behalf of your co-workers I know I can say how lucky we all feel to work with you every day.

Happy 40th to you and I’m sorry I can’t mention your real name in this message!



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