Can you stick an e-mail on the wall (well, technically, you can stick the paper that the e-mail could be printed on on the wall, but still...) ? No.
Can you guarantee that texts, tweets, blogs, and/or e-mails will last if servers crash? No.
Can you touch mails (again, technically, but ....)? No.
With actual physical mail:
Can you see the imprint of crayon, graphite, water colors, and sometimes other miscellaneous things on the paper? YES!
Can you see eye hand coordination getting better, due to writing and scissor skills? See how they share, due to extra notes from siblings and parents? YES!
Bestest besty best yet, when you open your letter or parcel,
Can you almost get a whiff of baby shampoo? Of sugar and spice and everything nice?
That's why I love mail.
This auntie treasures every piece of paper and drawing sent to her
(judiciously archived after a time, of course.)
It makes me smile.
Melts my shriveled Grinch's heart into a puddle of goo.
Meery cerismis to all!
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