Monday, December 5, 2011

Checking In: Boy I'm Crazy ... about Big Bundts

Due to a lot of nights last week, when all I saw was the stuff on the left, my house looks a lot this shelf there on the right. (Like how Mother Nature decided to shine a light on the mess?) So obviously, not a lot of blogging ... If I'm lucky, I can work at least a week ahead on the blog, "banking" for busy times of year, like now. Unfortunately, my luck at the bank ran out.

This time of year is busy, personally and professionally. Between holiday cards, deadlines, year-end appeals, plus last minute shopping, wrapping, shipping, and baking, things are a bit busy. And that's just for stuff for work!

Like this stuff below, the cakes on the left were for work, the birdie was a gift, and the holiday stockings were made to hung with the chimney with care. I made all of those in a day. That doesn't leave much time for typing. I will do what I can to recap when I get breathers. I may need to have some guest posts for a while -- from The Shushing Librarian.

Speaking of ....

That bundt cake? It had a few "layers." I made it for my boss' birthday - at his request, but it also served to be one of just a few bundts that were made as part of the Food Librarian's third annual I Love Big Bundts round-up celebrating National Bundt Day on November 15th.

If you click on the link to the round-up and scroll down to No. 123, you'll see my bundt.
Because I participated, I got a pin.
Unfortunately, my Shushing Librarian roommate absconded with it.

(Something about her relationship [cousin or something like that] to Mary the Food Librarian's librarian action figure.)

Basically, to recap, this post was just a way of saying a 'hole lot (a bundt hole) of nothing ... kind of like what might be appearing here and there for a bit this month, until I can catch my breath.

Xmas list to date:
Xmas cards - bought and addressed - CHECK
Xmas cards - in mail - a third
(UPDATE: by day's end - two-thirds are in the mail, thank you very much!)
Xmas ornaments - last batch, in process of being made
Presents bought - CHECK
Presents wrapped - CHECK
Presents to be shipped - in progress
Home Decor - The door is decorated and that will be ALL!
Holiday Baking - to do
Holiday Cheer - still severely lacking
Grinch Factor, on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) - -2

fa la la la la, la freaking la

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