Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Maker Faire 2011, Part 4 - People, People who Love ...

If I thought that last year's visitors to Maker Faire NY were .... eclectic, I had no idea what was to come. This year's Faire had gotten so much more press, the and DYI movements are gaining momentum, and people like me had talked it up so much that the crowds were bigger this year. Before I had even left Grand Central I had run into Nick from my library days who was heading in with his friends. Then I was talking to one of my neighbors about a week later who had taken her daughter in on Sunday, the day after I was there. I thought I would run into work people, and it's possible they were there. ... Instead, I saw some of these characters.

This guy in the chain mail? I thought he was the vendor--But no! Jane gets another view of things.

Family Time

Jane tries virtual reality, while etsy sponsors a whack-a-treasure.

A family of elves eats on the run, while minstrels serenade the passing crowds.

"Reporting live from the Faire, we have breaking news on the scooter races ..."

Fashion extremes: "Guys, eyes up here!" vs. Steampunk rules!

Jane scoping out the scene. Kids are fearless.

Fashion faux pas: MetroCard Man takes recycling to the extreme. Flamingos are NOT fabulous.

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