Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

This is the elusive character that I call my Dad -- in one of the last photos I have of him on the back porch of my childhood home, before he and Mom moved West.

It's actually representative of him on many levels: goofy, and yet caring - keeping an eye out, making you feel welcome, even when you are leaving.
If you are a social gathering, and can't find him - check the kitchen or the office. Behinds the Scenes Man is probably cleaning up, battening down the hatches, or puttering about.Occasionally he moonlights as Khaki Man, hider from the sun, defender of the innocent, securer of the snacks. Decked out in khaki from head to toe, he's ready to stay cool, no matter the emergency. His costume may blend in, but watch out for the sly wit. That can be oh, so colorful.
Alternate guises include Church Man - a quiet force for good who insures proper procedures, building security, and leads by example. He set the bar so high, no one I've ever worked for, or with, has ever really measured up to those standards.
It's my Dad to whom I owe my love of photography, even if I insist on shooting vertically when he likes horizontal framing. Camera Man is game for a random drive through the landscape to chase the light after a storm, hoping to see what ever it is that Mother Nature chooses to reveal and Lady Luck happens to capture.
It was Dad who taught me to drive. Sadly, my driving record should not reflect on his teaching methods. He's an excellent Teacher Man. You will note though that this is a picture of him driving, not me. I rarely get to drive when I'm around the parental units. I think they are scared I may end up hurting them ... more.
His most recent guise is as Grumpa Max - passing the torch as Dad, Poppa, Pops, and Father Man onto another generation. To see him be the grandpa with the little ones is so fun.
Not only is he good for games, tickles, and snuggles, but he can be an excellent confidant and secret keeper. Having survived the trial by fire of an emotional teen-aged daughter, and two very different sons, he learned a variety of communications techniques. He's more than ready to deal with the variety of personalities of his four distinctly unique grandchildren.
Happy Father's Day!
I love you lots and lots.

xo Auntie Nettie

P.S. The car is fine!
Well, it would be, if I had one.

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