So obviously I just stopped blogging on this platform. I'll get back to it eventually. Or not. I'm taking a break from all social media. It seemed necessary for my mental health.
The last few years have been busy and … challenging:
- 2015 Happened.
- 2016 Let's call it The Lost Year. (Obviously words failed me.)
- 2017 about broke me. Literally. Mentally.
- 2018 was ridiculous, proving 2017 was just a warm up. (Good thing I was already broken so it couldn't hurt as much.#2018TrashCanFire I thought things were going okay, but maybe not?)
- 2019 was such a blur. I know there were highlights, but then stuff happened and carried into the next year...
- And then in March#2020 really took a turn. Who can even categorize 2020? Do we dare?
I kinda want a do-over of some of the last few years. But life doesn’t work that way.
So for now, I'm hunkering down. Regrouping. Trying to stay safe and sort some stuff out.
Stay safe everyone. Stay well.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Auntie Nettie Reads A LOT 2011 - 2nd Quarter
Also, as a general rule, I don't do book recommendations or link to major retailers or publishers. Except for the ARCs listed below [thanks major publishers!], most of these books came from MY library or a public library. If I really, really, really like a book or an ARC, then maybe I'll mention it, pass it along, and make a hoopla.
Go forth, use your library card and READ!
April 2011
Happens Every Day: An All Too True Story by Isabel Gillies
The Orchid Affair (A Pink Carnation Novel) by Lauren Willig
Call Me Irresistible: A Novel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Casting About: A Novel by Terri Dulong
Overexposed: A Novel by Susan Shapiro (didn't finish)
How to Bake a Perfect Life: A Novel by Barbara O'Neal
Friday's Daughter: A Novel by Patricia Sprinkle
The Lake of Dreams: A Novel by Kim Edwards
Red Glove (Curse Workers Book 2) by Holly Black
Gone with a Handsomer Man: A Novel by Michael Lee West
Howards End is on the Landing: A Year of Reading from Home by Susan Hill
The Second Duchess by Elizabeth Loupas
The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus: A Novel About Marriage, Motherhood, and Mayhem by Sonya Sones (A novel in verse)
May 2011
Miss Scarlet's School of Patternless Sewing (A Crafty Chica Novel) by Kath Cano-Murillo
I Can't Make You Love Me, But I Can Make You Leave: A Novel by Dixie Cash (didn't finish)
The Man who loved Jane Austen by Sally Smith O'Rourke
The Love Goddess' Cooking School: A Novel by Melissa Senate
The Kitchen Daughter: A Novel by Jael McHenry
Angel Harp: A Novel by Michael Phillips
Chalice of Roses (An Anthology of Novellas) by Jo Beverly, Mary Jo Putney et al
Long Shot: My Bipolar Life and the Horses who Saved Me (A Memoir) by Sylvia Harris
Original Sin: A Sally Sin Adventure by Beth McMullen (ARC)
Long May She Reign by Ellen Emerson White (my collection - rereading again!)
The Metropolis Case: A Novel by Matthew Gallaway
Friendship Bread: A Novel by Darien Gee ** Need recipes for Friendship Bread - check this one out
The Weird Sisters: A Novel by Eleanor Brown
June 2011
The Turquoise Ledge: A Memoir by Leslie Marmon Silko
Becoming Marie Antoinette: A Novel by Juliet Grey (ARC)
The Soldier's Wife: A Novel by Margaret Leroy (ARC) ** I got two of these excellent novels and have passed them along, to many positive reviews
Major Pettigrew's Last Stand: A Novel by Helen Simonson
Chasing Fire: A Novel by Nora Roberts
Death Echo: A Novel of Suspense by Elizabeth Lowell
Love Bites (A Sofie Metropolis Mystery) by Tori Carrington
Keeper: One House, Three Generations, and a Journey into Alzheimer's by Andrea Gillies (slogging through)
From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler written and illustrated by E.L. Konigsburg
Go forth and read. READ!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Photos of the Day: Going, Going, GONE!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Auntie Nettie's Attic Merchandise 2011 - June
You've seen the posts about the CT weekend, but I've also been out:
~exploring New York and the Cathedral of St. John the Divine with the Ironic Mother and her adorable daughter, Ms E.D. (posts to come);
~ there was the Big J Gala evening of The Tempest, with the highlight of one of my favorite Shakespearean actors, Sir Derek Jacobi;
~ farewell parties for former Big J colleagues;
~ long lunches at Carmines with former library colleagues, followed by wandering down NYC sidewalks;
~ trips in the rain to the New York Botanical Gardens (posts ongoing);
~a day exploring the Craft Show at Lincoln Center with a colleague and a visit to the Branch of the Folk Art Museum (posts to come);
~attending a reading at the 92nd Street Y by the excellent awesome irreverent author, Neil Gaiman (which rocked);
~ a day at The Metropolitan Museum of Art with former Caramoor pal, Michelle (posts to come);
~a weekend up at Caramoor helping with preparations for the Opening Night Gala, which I also attended (posts to come!).
No WONDER I didn't get more done. I did manage to finish the following:
(no photo, but much like ANA 2011-25, with the same materials)
ANA 2011-27: Roly Poly Panda Bear
(no photo, but much like ANA 2010-151)
Still in progress:
2010: Multi-fiber chevron blanket
2011: Potential Mobile of Hearts (created as part of ANA 2011-08 group),
Fancy Blue Scarf
~Blue Diamond Crib Cover
Pink Diamond Crib Cover
As ever, if you see anything you'd like, just contact me for sizes, availability, and costs.
Maybe I need to spend a long weekend just hanging out in the attic and crafting to finish up all these projects?
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Photo of the Day: Raindrops on Irises 1
Friday, June 24, 2011
Summer Fridays/Weekends 2011 - Bridal Showers
As is inevitable these days, the shower had a theme - high heels. I inquired of the hostess what this meant; do we wear the heels? bring a pair to swap? bring a new pair for the bride? I was told that some of the shower games would involve "your favorite pair of heels." Now, I am not a graceful person. I would rather be barefoot. I don't own a favorite pair of heels. I hate all of my fancy heeled work shoes, with a passion. I don't believe I have a heel gene in my body. I would rather be barefoot. Are you sensing a theme? I knew I would need some footwear for the party.
I had seen this book at the Botanical Gardens, and while it fit the theme, it wasn't worth investing in a gift for a bride who doesn't exactly have a green thumb. I was out shopping for part of my shower gift when I stumbled across these beauties in the shoe section of my local T.J. Maxx. Plus, they were in my size, my color, and within my Maxx-inista price-range.
Who would EVER suspect that they were mine? 5 inch platform glitter highest of high heels! I had to grab them. Misdirection is excellent when it comes to shower games. I can hardly stand in them, and can't walk unassisted (seriously, it's like walking on stilts), but I figured I could gift them to someone, resell them, return them, or donate them to a streetwalker, um, or an actress or something.
The day of the shower was beautiful. I, unfortunately, was feeling wretched. I had no voice at all, and was sucking down Chloraseptics like they were candy. I had to ask my friends to act as my interpreters, so people would know that I wasn't shaking hands or talking so as to not pass along germs.
The bridesmaids, family, and friends did a lovely job of decorating along the theme, and in keeping that Ms. Linds is a very girly girl.
Yes, the cucumber sandwiches were cut to be like high heels. The handmade cupcakes had little chocolate molds of shoes on them. Note how the color of the candy shoes coordinate with the fuchsia of the color scheme.
Here are my friends Christine and Amelia, who will be annoyed that I included these oh, so flattering shots.
After some eats, introductions, and trivia games about the bride and groom, we adjourned indoors to unwrap presents. About mid-way through the loot, it was time to play "Guess whose shoes are who's?" Can you spot the ringer in the mix?
Here's Linds ripping into the loot, surrounded by her slightly hung-over bridesmaids. There was a whole weekend of bridal activity - the night before was a martini crawl/casino crawl/bachelorette party. (I think I enjoyed my soccer game more than what they were doing!)
It was a wonderful weekend to start off my summer. As a bonus, I'm pretty sure I didn't pick up e coli on this trip, but it still may be too soon to tell! (I did eat at the GoldenArches once on the road, and regretted that decision the rest of the weekend.)
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Photos of the Day: Crossroads, Making Tracks
As I've mentioned, my schedule got a bit hectic, so the only crossroads I had time to think about were these.
For many years, when ever I've been up in my old stomping grounds, I've had reason to drive down a quaint country road, over the river and through the woods, to Jennifer's house. One of the prominent landmarks on this road is The Yellow House on the Corner by the Train Tracks.
It's been years, and years, and I have never taken the time to stop.
Since I was at a personal crossroads, I thought I better check these out. A quick glance up and down the tracks in either directions. No sightings of security. No one asking for a ticket. Not a busy train line, so need to fear for an unexpected arrival. No fear of a Canadian Cartoon Villain trying to tie me up.
Still at a crossroads.
Still riding my usual train.
Still looking for the right mile markers to help me find my way.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Photos of the Day: "It's a Brick ... House"
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Father's Day!
It's actually representative of him on many levels: goofy, and yet caring - keeping an eye out, making you feel welcome, even when you are leaving.

I love you lots and lots.
xo Auntie Nettie
P.S. The car is fine!
Well, it would be, if I had one.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Summer Fridays/Weekends 2011 - Gardening Games
It was a long, long, long, and extremely busy winter. Suddenly I looked up from the madness of May and it was June! Glorious JUNE! With it's Summer Fridays away from the office. (Do you hear the choir of angels singing, or it just in my head? Just me? Okay.)
After the ickiness of last summer's three month bout with e coli, I was hesitant about scheduling more trips. Originally the plan for summer 2011 was a rescheduling and expansion of last summer's big MidWest RoadTrip -- until gas prices spiked to over $4 a gallon and my tax refund wasn't miraculously triple what I hoped. There's having a good time, and then there is being prudent with one's savings account.
The summer of 2011 will, therefore, see me entertaining myself with staycations and mini excursions.
My first summer Friday activities included a jaunt to my childhood stomping grounds. A bridal shower invite was the impetus to head back to Connecticut for a long weekend, to catch up with friends, stock up on supplies not readily accessible in NY without a car to haul loads of things around, and to check up on the family home.
I am of two minds that the CT family house has not yet sold; sad for my folks, especially in light of the fact that the Dam House also hasn't sold yet, but relieved for me. I still have a "home" to go to, even if it is stripped down for staging purposes and left bare of almost everything but my memories.
Aside from the bridal shower, the time away was supposed to be relaxing, a break from my routine, a retreat so I could gather my thoughts and clear out the noise in my head. With no cable, television, internet connections, or much in the way of any visual clutter in the house, it was good to have a zen-like place to go. However, my schedule got a bit cramped, what with separate dinners with Jenn and Nicole, errands, shopping sprees, haircuts, brunch with Nicole and Jenn, the bridal shower, and an evening with Emily and Wendy.
On top of that, I ended up doing a bit more in the way of gardening than anyone could have anticipated. Coming around the corner of the house, I could not ignore the signs that Realtor-outsourced lawn-care left much to be desired... to the point that I actually have the battle scars to prove that I spent hours raking lawns, dead-heading hydrangea bushes, trimming dead stuff out of angry/vindictive holly bushes, ripping out weeds, and trimming "hay" - by hand.
of my own free will and volition.
I can truthfully say that that has NEVER happened before.
Even the neighbors were in shock - they've known me for a long time.
I am NOT Nature Girl.

One of my other evening excursions on this weekend away was to go up to see Wendy and "niece" Emily, and to attend one of Emily's away soccer games-- a treat for me, as I don't normally get to enjoy this most suburban of family-related past-times.
This is Emily showing off her soccer jersey.
It was a gorgeous weekend, and time was tight, so after a tour of the house/farm, the grabbing of one of Emily's military-minded big brothers, it was off to their favorite local watering hole for a yummy dinner al fresco. Much in the way of fried foods were consumed: fried mac-n-cheese and fries for Emily (and me to try - thanks Em), chicken strips and fries for bro, roll-ups and grilled chicken sandwiches for Wendy and me -- and a huge basket of onion strips for the table to share.
I can't believe we ate the whole thing.
So full.
Must stay awake.
I don't know how Emily managed to run around a field, except that she's so dang young.
We had great seats for the first half - right in front of Em's team's goal. She's right there, with her back to us, on defense. Thanks Coach. That's perfect positioning for guests to watch our girl, No. 8.
While she complained that "I only got to play, like, 2 minutes." it was a bit longer than that, Em. Besides, from what Wendy and I could see, she was jabbering away with her teammates over on the opposite sidelines. Incessantly. As per usual, for a teenage girl.