Friday, March 11, 2011

Postcards from the Past: Castle Cards

Aside from the first year, I spent the summers of my undergraduate college experience living and working on campus. The main building looked like a medieval fortress, and was called "The Castle" for obvious reasons.

I used to work in another department that had their offices in the turret, and was able to go up to the secret/forgotten offices up under the cornices. (You can barely see the windows in the shot below.) It was a great Gothic building, with secret passages, back corridors, and all kinds of history in the upper and lower levels. I do have to say that part of the reason I picked this small liberal arts school for my undergraduate degree had to do with that building (and my very very generous financial aid package).

(Winter view)
(Spring View) Side Portico, as viewed from the Library
One of those summers was spent in the library. Since there was no Internet or Twitter to entertain us, we had to find other methods to stay awake and amused ... like reading our mail and/or answering letters.

Apparently my friends weren't keeping me entertained quite enough, for I sent out this summons, carefully (ha!) scribed upon ye old-fashioned type-writer:
(Pay no attention to the typos, or the bad Monty Python joke.)

In keeping with our Castle theme, this is also one of my postcards from the college years.

My friends are artists, literally. This one is from Jane. Not only did she sketch Hamlet, but she wrote in most of the To Be or Not to Be speech ... by hand. Seriously, she writes that neatly all the darn time. It's hard not to want to smack her!


  1. Whoa! Obviously, I've been slacking in my later years.

  2. Oh the Castle. I loved it there.
