Monday, March 7, 2011

Letters from Ollie J - March 7, 1994

Seems to me that Grandma had some insomnia one night and was up writing letters.

Couple of notes about this letter:

The postscript mentions Aunt Martha, another one of Grandma's sisters. Sadly, we don't see Aunt Martha or Uncle Jess too often, even on the trips through Utah. For all that she resembled Grandma, or did the last time I saw her many years ago, she's the one I know the least now. From what I understand, Aunt Martha seems to be afflicted with a bit of "being not quite 'here' anymore, dear" and Uncle Jess has sensitivities to chemicals like hairspray, deodorant, perfume, etc. so it's hard on him when people visit too.

Grandma alludes to a photo that was enclosed. One of the most essential implements on The Farm was Grandpa Jack's big old green John Deere tractor. Some of our fondest memories, both remembered and photographed, are being up on that tractor "driving" in the fields. When we got older, we got to drive them for real, albeit very slowly up and down the driveway or through already plowed and/or harvested fields.

My alma mater was set on the grounds of a large country estate, with all kinds of our buildings that dated to the days when it was a private residence with lots of crews and caretakers. Some of my favorite times were when schedules were free enough to take a few hours to ramble around the grounds, through the forest, past the haunted chapel ruins and cemetery full of dead nuns (yup, it was that kind of estate), and just get away from it all. On one of our rambles, Krippy and I stumbled upon a parked tractor of the same vintage as the one on The Farm. Luckily somebody had a camera and film and we took some surreptitious souvenirs of our adventures. I sent a copy to Grandma to share. No offense to Grandma, but that was as close to "farm life" as I was likely to get--posed snapshots on parked utility equipment.

One of the other rites of college life is the Spring Break Trip. Now, as has been mentioned before, I am not a drinker, so the usual drunken beach debauchery didn't appeal. However, I did go on one memorable Spring Break Trip, during my senior year. My roommate freshman year was from Costa Rica, and we ended up being suite-mates sophomore year as well. Karla had been "pre-engaged" to Julio before coming to the States, and was engaged by junior year. Our senior year, Karla and Julio's wedding was held during our Spring Break, and I was fortunate to be invited to stay with her family up to, and just after the wedding, with other college friends.

This was my first trip to Central America and it was quite an eye-opener for many reasons. Again, I was very grateful that I had this opportunity. To keep this post from getting so long, look for pictures to be a separate entry.

7 March 1994

3 AM

[The Farm
Pikeville, NC]

Dear [Granddaughter],

Time goes so fast. This month is almost one third gone already.

It has warmed up some and pretty sunny days. More like spring.

No didn’t have ice all over the place. Only one snow to make everything pretty and white For a short white.

I stayed in and worked on quilts. Making tops and quilted several. Now I have one to do for the Bishop’s wife. May get some help on it. As I have been helping ladies in the neighborhood quilt. Oh some pretty ones and lots of stitches too. Enjoy the work and companionship. We work all day on Tuesday and get it out some times there are Fourteen ladies around the quilt. Close work but get job done.

The gas heater has kept me warm of course put on heaver[sic] clothing too.

Had a down por[sic] (rain) last week water everywhere. Stayed in those days.

Gee when did you learn or take your first lesson to drive a tractor? Do look comefortable[sic] though. You might like farm life. Thanks for the picture. Come to think of it you liked your first tractor lesson with your grandpa. He was proud to take you for a ride.

Talked with your mom last night and found you may not get this Untill[sic] you return from your trip. Yes you told me you told me pland[sic] to go. But no date – only March. Hope you have a safe trip and a enjoyable visit etc.

I don’t plan any trips. Seem my money is all going out and none coming in. So I know how you feal[sic] Bills & Bills. That’s Life. Hard to make all the right moves. Can’t do lots of things and have lots of money too.

I too like to hear from your brother but also know he is busy about his heavenly Father’s work. Of which I am proud.

Your room mates have interesting work. Yes and scary at times I bet. [EN: Both were active volunteer EMTS, and one was about to move out, because of the ferrets.]

Hope you can find another person to room with you. Be good to have a sister since you haven’t one.

Living with them you learn to love them too. Even make friends for life.

Take Care.
God bless you
Love you lots


Be grateful for all things
Whether it is health, good friends
Family or Gospel knowledge
A grateful heart
Count blessings not trials

A goat[sic] Aunt Martha sent me while she was on her mission.

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