Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Letters from Ollie J - March 2, 1999

Photo of the Logan LDS Temple (at top right) courtesy of Rick Satterfield, c. 2005, and can be found here.

After her accident and some initial rehabilitation, Grandma went out to Logan to live with her sister Dorothy. It was originally thought that this might be an extended and permanent living arrangement, giving them both company, Grandma sisterly support, and access to extended geriatric care. However, Grandma had been too used to being the big sister and Ms. Independent for too long, and not long after this letter, for one reason and another, Mom and I traveled out West to bring Grandma back to North Carolina. (Needless to say, this was NOT an easy trip.) You can take the girl off the farm and out of the south, but ...

It's funny to read this letter now, to know some of what was going on behind the scenes, and hearing some versions of it from Grandmary and the aunties. It was one of those mixed blessing arrangements that actually did more good in the long run, despite the immediate difficulties.

The photo at the end of the letter is of the aunties and Grandmary c. August 2010, during our stopover on the River Trip. From left to right: Aunt Shirley, Aunt Ruby, Aunt Dorothy, and Grandmary. (How can you miss the family resemblance?)

[postmarked 2] March 1999

[Aunt Dorothy’s house, Logan, UT]

Dear [Granddaughter],

Thanks for your cards and letters. Your thoughts and Actions.

I do feal[sic] better. My sholders[sic] tire easly[sic]. Can walk better. Even quilted a quilt with help of Ruby, Shirley and Dorothy.

Have been to Temple LOGAN eight times. Does feal[sic] good to be in Tem
ple again. Have see[sic] several people I worked with at Washington. Like Meeting some of Family.

Good you and Mom can go off together and do thing you like to do. You c
an have NY I’d rather shop in a smaler[sic] place. Oh yes I have been to NY once with your Mom.

We had fine snow falling most all day yesterday. Melted quite fast too.Am sure it was heaver[sic] than here.

Called Lucille A— a few days ago. She said they had a wind storm that took tin off Cow shelter. She went over to my house to see how storm was. Things weren’t too disturbed there.

Aunt Shirley has infection in her Right eye. Doctor and medicine is helping it heal.

Preston & Shirley went to Hawaii for a week had a good time.

You didn’t say a thing about your Brother. Hope they are well and Happy.

Hope you and your Mom has a good Flight out.

All the Sisters or Aunts are well – and busy – Yes Happy too.

Take Care of your self.

Be good to see you again



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