This letter alludes to a move from off-campus college housing into the first of many apartments, during what was my spring semester senior year.
The fall semester of my senior year was probably more difficult than it needed to be, with me having what I have to suspect was a mini-emotional breakdown, resulting in a multi-month cessation of communication with my parents for a reason I can't even remember, probably brought on by stress, definitely a chemical irregularity, finals, GREs, and the realization that it was time to think about adult matters like financing, jobs, moves, etc. I don't know how my roommates put up with me. This was prior to intervention teams being a regular part of campus life, but looking back, I definitely would have been one of those kids. I was, to put it lightly, a HOT mess.
I was also in denial that I was a hot mess. I think I just, and I mean, like 2 weeks ago, JUST realized what that whole episode was, and that's how many years later? (please don't actually do the math.)
It's probably important to note at this juncture that the stubborn gene is inherited, as is pride. Asking for help? of any kind? HA.
I'm sure that I was the subject of many conversations and prayers.
How did any of you guys put up with me? How do any of you still put up with me?
Gram? The advice has finally sunk into my thick skull. Thanks for all the guidance, even now. Keep it up. You know I need it.
19 Jan 1994
[The Farm
Pikeville, NC]
Dear [Granddaughter],
I’ll join you in the deep freeze. We had 9 degrees this morning and want[sic] get above freezing the day and probilly[sic] 5 degrees tonight. Promise of up to normal for time of year tomorrow and for a few days. My heater is doing fine but been so Cold not quite enough. I just sit close and put on a extra coat – or swetter[sic].
Hope Christmas went well with you. It was Cold on Christmas Eve but warmer on Christmas day. So I drove to Henry’s and at dinner with them. Came back same day. California is surely having time. Fire and now Earthquake. All these things are frightening. End of times getting closer. Have things to improve on to be ready.
The visit with Jed and your Dad was good as always. And they try to do so many things for me.
Yes Main[sic] and West Virginia surely have had snow.
Bet you have had snow by now.
Hope you are settled and have good roommates.
Would have been nice to been with all of you Thanksgiving. I felt it wise to come home. Can’t seem to be in but one place at the time.
Just reread your last letter. So not sure where to send this letter. Will use old address. Hope you get it.
Hope some of your problems have eased off. Oh yes new ones take it place.
You have let me know you were needing a loan. Maybe could have helped.
Oh well am sure you are learning more about life and its problems.
Take Care.
God bless and help you I pray
Thank goodness for Trio Non Sacra during those crazy months. :)