Sunday, October 31, 2010

Spooky Adventures of The Shushing Librarian

It was a dark and stormy night when first The Shushing Librarian
approached her computer to start looking for Halloween costume ideas.

She was a little fuzzy on ideas as she began to type and click away on many a search engine.
Should she be a rotund mermaid, with flowing hair of green and iridescent scales?
She surely didn't want to wear a bathing costume like this guy she saw on Cape Cod.
The Shushing Librarian does not snorkel, and wearing flippers makes it hard to trick-or-treat.
She did like the idea of going as a royal princess, but this Knight Crusader was stonily silent when approached for feedback on the idea.
Likewise, this gargoyle just shrugged off the question of what Ms. S.L. should be for Halloween.
She usually isn't such a Scaredy Cat,
but the thought of not having a good costume put a deep fear in her bones.
It's a hair-raising experience -- this Halloween Costume hunting.
If you don't know HOOOOO to ask,
you can end up with something so obscure, that no one understands.
(Hello, I'm a Cyclon. A Toaster?! Ya know? Cylon = Toaster! Get it?)
Or worse ... People alter a perfectly good costume and make it obscene. NUTS!
(Look carefully, you'll get it in a minute or two.)
Exhausted, The Shushing Librarian decided to pack it in,
and go trick-or-treating as her own blue, androgynous self aka The Super Information Specialist, mild-mannered librarian by day, Super Shusher all the the time.

It's a dream come true:
Death by Chocolate

** Sorry about the lack of focus on this post. Chalk it up to too much sugar and the slow death throes of Auntie Nettie's Nikon Coolpix. The lens motor is going, and the autofocus doesn't work so well anymore.

OR, it's a Ghost in The Machine - Mu HAHAHAHAHA!

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