Sunday, October 24, 2010

Recipes from Ollie J -- Cabbage Casserole

Actually, it's Recipes from Aunt Ruby ... it's still in the family, so that's close enough for me.

Cabbage Casserole

Brown one pound hamburger and 1 onion.

Shred 1/2 cabbage and put in a baking dish.

Sprinkle 1/2 raw rice over the top of cabbage.

Spread the hamburger and onion over that.

Mix 1 can tomato soup with 1/2 soup can water.

Pour over cabbage, rice, and meat.

Pour one can Manwich Sauce over that.

Top with grated cheese.

Bake 1 1/2 hours at 300 degrees.

I don't know who transcribed this recipe card, but the family tendency to assume that the cook has watched someone else cook this is in effect once again.

How much raw rice? 1/2 cup? 1/2 tsp? 1/2 a pound. Yes, I realize it's probably 1/2 a cup ... but come on!
How big a baking dish?
How large a can of Manwich Sauce?
How much grated cheese?

But seriously, how much can't I stand the smell of cooked cabbage?
I do remember eating this one as a small child, back in the B.C. years (aka Before Connecticut/1980), but it was never my favorite. Not that I had a choice. It was eat or wear!

Because I am now ostensibly an adult (depending on how I'm acting and who you ask), I am exerting my right not to try this recipe and have my studio kitchen reek of cooked cabbage for days.

If some brave reader would like to try it and send in the results and/or edits, I welcome your feedback.

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