27 Oct 1992
[The Farm
Pikeville, NC]
Dear GrandDaughter,
I am doing fairly well. We went to the temple Friday (23) and Saturday (24). Had a very nice experience. Still a long ride.
You have a quite a list of subjects to study for. Sure it gets hectic at times. If wasn’t hard be no need to be there. With Study am sure you’ll make it.
The Buliten[sic] shows you are working hard. Proud of you.
Physics is a pain. I tryed[sic] it once year in high school. Not my favorit[sic] subject.
Nice you can relax now and then. Careful you don’t need a nervous breakdown.
[editted for content]
Look for Cheerful things to help you and how about Church do you get to be there?
We had a big Jack Frost so every thing is Changing Leaves are pretty. Weeds are black. Not picked soybeans yet but they are most ready.
I made myself a new Temple dress. Now to finish a Navy suit to wear to Church. Seems hard to settle down and sew.
Have about read Spencer W. Kimball by his sons. Have found it quite enjoyable. Yes had read it before.
Been cool enough have had a fire in heater. Is some warmer today. Could use some rain.
Helped a neighbor quilt a quilt so am not out of a job yet.
Want to get all the pictures sorted and put in books to preserve them. Haven’t found the negative you desired still looking. [probably my grandfather -- STILL don't have a picture of him]
Had my hair cut and got a permant[sic]. It looks better.
My cold is most gone. Got Flu shot too. Trying to stay well and happy.
Take care of your self and be very Careful on the road. Some one said Crazy people out there.
Love you very much
Most forgot
Study your Spanish so you can help people find their way about
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