Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Finally from the Faire, Paella & Kilts

After all these posts about Maker Faire, I can hear you thinking: Well okay. We've seen crafts, crafts, more crafts, transportation, friends, demonstrations, and even the sanitation facilities, but what about the food? What about your favorite things?

The food, my friends. The food that we had was fabulous. Because we got our tickets ahead of time, we were able to come in a side gate, right near what I'm calling the Paella Pavilion. Little did we realize that there were other food vendors at the Faire, down another pathway on the other side of the grounds. Vendors and trucks were set up to serve typical things like hot dogs, burgers, empanadas, gyros, etc. We didn't care. The first thing we smelled at the Faire was the saffron and our stomachs were set on having the paella. My dinky pictures can't do these vast vats of rice, shrimp, beans, and chicken justice. At $10 a plate we both knew we couldn't eat one by ourselves, so Jane and I split lunch. Well, I probably could have finished one off, but then it would have been siesta time at the Faire and I didn't see hammocks for naps.

As has been documented, Auntie Nettie likes to ogle men in kilts. It might be due to my English/Scottish Borderland heritage, my fascination with Jamie Fraser in Diana Gabaldon's Outlander, or my ongoing thing for Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod from the t.v. show, Highlander -- I likes me some men in kilts. Finding out that Utilkilts was going to be at the Faire was just another reason to go.

Yes, the shirt does say: "Reach up, reach up, and touch someone."

Don't worry. I restrained myself. Security didn't need to be called. I have to say, for all that there was a great many men trying on the kilts, I can't say that many were purchased while I was there. (I'm still trying to justify the purchase price for one for my bro.)

This gentleman was seriously WORKING the pose for his significant other. You go dude!

Then we stumbled upon the fairy and the faun. I'm not making any type of off-color or negative comment. This winged girl was at a SteamPunk fashion booth, and then I think this sculptor/artist? was named Faun. I may have read the signs wrong; I was just so distracted by the plastic? kilt, the knee high leather boots, and then the bleached hairdo. Maybe I'm more conservative than even I thought I was!

With bags full of Faire swag, minds full of inspiration, and a bit of a sunburn, Jane and I packed it in after a long hot day at the Faire. Our robotic lady friend here,

played us out by requesting a gigantic air guitar quartet solo.

Air FLARE! (Freebird!)

Seriously, if the Faire comes back next year?!

It rocks.

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