Today was supposed to be Day One of my MidWest Roadtrip.
Just me. In a car ALONE. Going to visit friends. Driving for hours. With tunes of my choice. The wind my hair. A song in my heart*. A time to meditate if I chose, to contemplate the still small voice within. Or simply to stop when I needed to, to jot down a revelation, a turn of phrase, or just go to the restroom on my schedule.
Just me. On a vacation that wasn’t a family-related trip of some sort. Solitary and not as a third or fifth or seventh wheel. A trip that didn’t involve a pat down by the TSA, trains, planes, and subway shuttles. One with my OWN itinerary for once—one that was pages in length, and yet, somehow, didn’t involved lots of concrete plans.
Just me. Getting to point A to see friend A and their city. Then after two nights, off to point B to see friend B. Etc. Rinse and Repeat.
Just me. 12-13 days on the road. A bunch of friends. Five kids. Four cities. Three states. Two stuffed animals/alter egos. One hotel. One car. One former Sunday School teacher. One major holiday. One honorary aunt and uncle. Lots of pictures and experiences. Hopefully lots of cuddles from the "nieces" and "nephew." Hopefully some beach time. Hopefully some silly girly gossip time. Hopefully some ice cream, a Chicago dawg, hand-pulled taffy, deep dish pizza, and holiday treats. Hopefully some wonderful explorations off the beaten tracks in these people’s hometowns.
Notice the SUPPOSED TO BE.
I should know better by know to put things out and into the cosmos.
It did take some gut wrenching thoughts and some wise counsel to postpone the trip. Not to mention some common sense and better judgement.
I’m not the only one upset by this. Hopefully the kids and alters will forgive me eventually.
Apparently 2010 isn’t going to be the year of the RoadTrip for Auntie Nettie, but the Year of the Medical Mysteries.
Thank goodness for steady employment and medical insurance. I do know how fortunate I am.
Hopefully this round of antibiotics work. I have plans you see. Plans for later this summer. Plans that involve travel. I just don't want to mention them, or I'll jinx them with another unknown virus.
*"On the road again. I just can't wait to get on the road again ..."
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