Hang out with a baby. Seriously. Try it. Even if all the baby does is sleep, eat, poop, or chill out, just hang with a baby. You have to mellow out or they will pick up on it. No one wants a cranky baby, so you have to calm down too.
How to de-stress, via BABYTIME:
1. Rock a baby, sway side to side, or do the "bop." If you do it right, you'll get big yawns. Once the baby is asleep, you have to keep swaying. You don't want to relinquish the feel of that warm body in your arms.

2. Smell a baby's head. Go on. You know it's a sweet, sweet perfume. Nothing like it in any of the perfume stores. Sometimes the baby will help, and stick their little noggin right up in nook of your neck.
Smell my head. Come on, you know you want to!
3. Look deeply into a baby's eyes. It will get you closer to the answers to the mysteries of the universe than any trek to the old man on the mountain.
What you looking at? (When's lunch?)
4. Stroke baby skin. It's so unbelievably soft.
Alternative step: Play with baby fingers and get wrapped around their little tiny thumbs.
Thanks for helping to de-stress me, Mr. Nathan. Can we have a playdate again soon? Maybe this time Grandmary will let me hold you? Maybe your sisters won't mind too much ... I did get to spend time with them too.
Part 4: Watching the Nieces Play