Saturday, October 31, 2009

Retroblog Halloween 1981

Halloween 1981

This is the way I dressed up for Halloween.

as a Disco Daceler.

Here are some of the things I did to celebrate Halloween.
__ went to a school carnival
__ collected money for UNICEF
__ had a class party
__ went trick or treating

Other things I did to celebrate.
went to a Church party.

__ played more tricks
__ got more treats this year than I did last year.

Oh, I so hope that there AREN'T photos of this Halloween costume. Not only couldn't I spell, but I'm sure I couldn't dance. A Disco dancer at a CHURCH party? The horrors. I was too young for this to be an ironic artistic statement.

Wasn't disco over by 1981 anyway?

Friday, October 30, 2009

Pretty Trashy

What: The Prettiest Garbage Truck you've ever seen
When: October 21, 2009 around 10:00 a.m.
Where: West 68th between Columbus and Broadway
How: Nice of the sanitation workers of NYC to support efforts to find the cure
Thanks to Cynthia who took this with her camera phone while we were playing hooky during a mandatory fire drill.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Life in Black and White

Sometimes I feel like I'm experiencing things in shades
of black and white --
like life is rushing past me all my hopes were just pipe dreams to nowhere,
or that maybe I went down the wrong track.
But then a strange thing can happen;
signs that I read every day,
suddenly take on a whole new meaning.
And a simple light, shining through the darkness,
can give everything a golden glow.It's all in how you look at it.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Auntie Nettie's Merchandise 2009 - Part 3

I finally had a chance to do some organization of the craft studio this weekend and to document the crafting that's gone on since this summer. It also made me realize that I may need to find new projects or crafts, as I count over 25 scarfs in just the studio alone -- with the knowledge that at least eight more stashed at the office. Me thinks that the next craft bash will be allllllllll about the scarves ONLY!

Please keep all of Auntie Nettie's merchandise in mind when you are beginning your holiday shopping. Just click here to see a review of the goods. (Items pictured may no longer be available.)

#72: Mint Green Lacey Blanket, far left in photo (no longer available)

#73: Silvery White Crib Cover (3rd from right above) (not available)

#74: Creamy Mohair-esque Crib Blanket (as of 06/2011, no longer available)
#75 & #76: Blue & White Stuffed Bears (not available)
#77: Mini Buttoned-up Stuffed Bear (no longer available)
#78: Grey/Brown Bear (no longer available)
#79: Grey Bear (no longer available)
#80: Fuzzy the Bear (no longer available)
#81 & #82: Black & White Kitties
(#81 was a Toy Society Drop, see here; # 82 not available to be a future drop, left with Grandmary)
#83 & #84: Brown Kitties (not available)
#85 & #86: My little bunnies with their velvet noses (not available)
#87: Funny Bunny (not available)
#88: Tripped out Bunny (no longer available)
#89: Pretty Bunny (no longer available)
#90: Child-size Triangle Scarf (not available, donation)
#91: Patriotic Vintage Granny Square Scarf (not available, donation)
#92: White/Purple Granny Square Scarf (not available, donation)
#93: Blue/White/Black Granny Square Scarf (not available, donatiom)
#94-#96: Turkey Leg Rattles (no longer available, made on commission)
#97-#99: Assorted Halloween disguises (not available)

#100: Mohair Shawl - Autumn Colors (no photo, as of 12/10, donation)

#101: Mohair Shawl - Purple Jewels (as of 08/11, not available, donation
#102: 9 Block Granny Square, Blue/White Blankie (as of 12/09 not available)
Stay tuned for updates on future projects.

If you see anything you like just drop a line or a comment; I'm happy to give dimensions, prices, and care suggestions off-line. Unfortunately, the availability of certain items is subject to change without notice, especially during the holiday season.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What is Art?

The nature of "What is ART?" has been a subject of much discussion in my work place in recent weeks. Being in a conservatory setting in NYC, with classical music, jazz, dance, and drama going on all around us, we can pretty much identify those performing arts when we are faced with them.
However, the subject of "fine art," i.e. paintings, sculpture, modern, etc., has been hotly debated and parodied lately.The instigator of this discussion was the installation of a new piece of art. Commissioned by, paid for, and donated by a Trustee, the artist was one of five selected to submit a work to compete for installation. The Trustee was motivated to identify and mentor an emerging, contemporary artist, and to bring the first new piece of art to the campus in about 40 years.

The artist selected is apparentlhy known for his works in a variety of formats, including sculptures and installations, with a focus on combining text and images. According to the press release, "the subject of his art often concerns ideas of tact, the trappings of careerism, the construction of persona, and the pathology of addiction."

Imagine our surprise when this showed up:

The work is called:According to the press release, "this thirty-foot long wall piece consisting of a twenty-foot ripple-fold drape with [the artist's] own custom printed fabric alongside a text piece in metallic relief which reads, "last in the elevator, first out." The curtain hints both that something is being concealed and gestures toward a private space free of distraction. The text is a double entendre that offers not only a literal strategy to entering the nearby elevators, but also advice that success often requires determination beyond immediate reward. [The artist] says that he has created a work for students and professionals with talent, both intuitive and trained, participating in a practice that goes well beyond discipline alone. "

UMMM. WHAT?! The Trustee paid HOW much for THAT?!

Is it wrong that I like the name of the "art" better than the "art." Apparently some of the students were wondering if these were instructions on HOW to use the elevator, while other wondered if the curtain was hiding the actual art.

In any event, the big, pink shower curtain (as I'm calling it),

inspired creations all around the building, including this little one:
Personally, I think this is more artful than all of them together. Maybe I just like "natural art."

Which do you like?

Monday, October 26, 2009


I'm talking about the cubicle wall.
What did you think I was talking about?

Saturday, October 24, 2009


With apologies to the local business where Kelli and I window shopped, bought two postcards, and I surreptitiously took photos of the items "for display only." I really coveted the bottles of buttons and old Singer Sewing Machines.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Crafting in the Quiet Corner

Kelli was kind enough to let me take a side trip on our Saturday together, so we could pop into The First Church of Christ, Congregational's 14th Annual Quilt and Needle Arts Show in East Haddam. As a very amateur crafter, an afficiando of the needle arts, and the grand daughter of an accomplished quilter, it was awe-inspiring to behold all the work that went into the show, and all of the pieces. Since we didn't want to incur the wrath of the 'white-gloved ladies,' and my little camera can only zoom so much, these just give you an overall view of the packed sanctuary and some of the more interesting pieces.
Could this been more New Englandy?Quilts, quilts, and art EVERYWHERE! Left side of the sanctuary Some of the smaller pieces were displayed underneath the pulpit: altar runners, Christmas tree skirts, hand-made hooked rugs, handbags, and other many fine pieces. Center block of a red & white quilt. Embroidery on quilting.
One square of a prize-winning quilt called "The Circus is Coming to Town."
You can't really tell from here, but some of this is 3D
due to fabric and batting. This piece was stunning.

Miniature Quilts by Reta Rehm of Hebron, CT.
Pieced by hand and shown up close.
My hands and eyes ache just thinking about these tiny masterpieces.

Down the right side of the sanctuary According to the program, this cross-stitch quilt was made in 1971. Now it's a family heirloom.

This was one of the oldest quilts there.
Made by Sarah Lane for her wedding in 1768 to Jonathan Sikes in Suffield, CT.
Another family heirloom, and no wonder.
Hand-stitching, embroidery, and crewl-work
This "Wildflower Alphabet" sampler was embroidered in the 1960s.
Look at the detail
Beyond the chapel, there were quilts in the foyer, knit and crochet pieces in the Rec Hall, samplers on the walls, and many, many, many fabrics for sale. Aside from doing our bit to bring down the average age of the attendees by oh, 20-30 years, I managed to escape with only minimal damage to the wallet. How we resisted buying any homemade chili or pie, I'm still not sure. If we had known what we were going to deal with when we did stop for lunch, we may have stuck around a bit longer.

Why, oh why, did I forget how to sew? Why, oh, why, do I not know how to use a sewing machine. My fabric collection is starting to be as large as my yarn collection ... and that's saying something.