Today is Wednesday, June, 29, 83 Time 8:10 p.m.
What fun we are having. Audrey is staying with us until we down her off at her grandparents house (in Penn) The 24th of June we went to Boston, and the 25th New York City (places of paper.)
I think I am going to get my period. Clue my moods are changing (I think!!) **
Yesterday I saw the Return of the Jedi!***
[places (ahem, pieces) of paper]
Boston Mass. Places we went. 6/24/83
1. gas station
2. parking garage
3. Quenncy Market
4. Paul Reverve House
5. Old North Church
6. Old North Church Museum
7. Codd Cemetery
8. USS Constitution
9. Ice Cream
10. Quenncy Market
11. parking garage
12. Pylmom Museum
13. Lobster Pound
14. Home
New York New York Places we went
1. Grocery Store
2. Gas Station
3. parking garage
4. Central Park
5. Parking garage, bus/ferry
6. Statue of Liberty
7. subway
8. Empire State Building
9. subway
10. parking garage
11. (illegible, probably parking lot)
12. Carnegie deli (yum)
13. parking lot
14. home
** I think this was one of the first movies I saw in the theater. I remember that Dad took us. I also remember that this when I got my first crush on Harrison Ford. That Han Solo. What a dreamy guy.
*** I did warn you that girls at that age talk about changes of life. I wish I could tell the younger me to chill out and not hope for the onset of the monthly loveliness. She's got decades of dealing with the monthly loveliness to torture her yet to come. Why rush it?
I'm glad I found this entry. I couldn't remember when I had been to the Statue of Liberty, because I remember climbing up the claustrophobic stairs, but I couldn't remember when exactly. We probably got to go up to the crown and torch, pleasures that are just now coming back to New Yorkers after all the restrictions.
This wasn't my first trip to NYC. Mom often acted as a tour guide. I do think this was one of the most jam packed trips. Doing the Park, AND the Statue, AND the Empire State Building, AND Carnegie, AND driving the three hours down and back ... is a LOT in one day, especially after a full day in Boston earlier that week. With house guests in residence and a trip to pack for to North Carolina, how did my poor mother survive?
(Cheesecake from Carnegie probably!)
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