Saturday, April 18, 2009

Eternal Struggle

You know how sometimes the censor button on your mouth doesn't work so well? I had one of those moments yesterday. I was in the midst of a conversation with some colleaques and we were discussing the use of low-fat products and artificial sweeteners in cooking vs. just enjoying life and savoring full-flavored foods. Suddenly I heard myself say:

Life is too damn short;
My a** is too damn big.
Therein lies the eternal struggle.

To much hysterical laughter (mine and at my expense), I realize that sometimes the censor button is overridden for a reason. The truth must out.

So, I'm NOT going to feel guilty about the Chocolate Cream Cheese Pound Cake (courtesy of Paula Deen) that I'm going to make this weekend. I'm not going to eat the whole thing after all; I'm making it to share. Plus, if I've remembered anything from the various blog posts and my reading materials* this week, life is too short to skimp -- whether it be on having fun or on enjoying butter and chocolate.

Me thinks there's an embroidered pillow or some dishtowels in there somewhere ...

*The Laws of Harmony by Judith R. Hendricks and Where the River Ends by Charles Martin

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