Monday, March 2, 2009

Icy Ironies

Sometimes being a responsible adult seriously has its downsides.

I had to go to work today. I could have taken a personal day, but ... I need those for other things.

The ironies have begun to accumulate, along with the snow.

The sidewalks in town clear while the train platforms weren't. It's usually the other way around.

The trains were running 20-30 minutes late and not a seat could be found. All of us unfortunate enough to have to go to work were packed in like sardines. There aren't enough seats on a good day, and the MTA wants to increase fares by up to 30%. I wouldn't complain so much if I could get a seat occasionally, or some guys were paid to do some snow removal on the platforms. Heck ... I know that there are former investment bankers from our area who need the work. Pay them to shovel.

What really gets me is that for the first time in more than five years, the New York City Public Schools were closed, not to mention The New School closed, as well as some of the Lincoln Center constituents. If I still worked in Westchester at the other place and had to drive, I could have worked from home. If I worked at the library, I would have had a snow day. While I love the Big J, the ONLY reason it was open today was because it is audition week. We finally got this e-mail at lunchtime:

"Due to the continuing snow conditions, staff members who have a difficult commute and are not required to be here as part of the admissions process can leave at 3:00 pm today."

MMM. Difficult commute ... kind of. Not essential for admissions ... definitely.

My boss said that if I could get up and leave at 3:00 p.m. with a guilt free conscience and a straight face I was welcome to leave.

Hello? I'm out the door at 3:01. I'll take any part of early dismissal I can get!

UPDATE: So ... it was closer to 4:01, but still it's better than 5:00!

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