She is going to take the train (ALL BY HERSELF) into the Big Bad City, then get on another big train to go and play with her friends in the country. There will be no adult supervision, lots of girl talk, lots of laughter, and probably some good food. She may then come home and watch all kinds of tweenbopper shows on Disney and not feel the least bit guilty about it. SO THERE!
Her "return" to adulthood will be in the late hours of the evening so she can watch Battlestar Galactica.
Then she'll still have allllllll weekend to play.
Happy Birthday to me!
*post B.S., and still okay for Mountain and Pacific time zones. Plus, voice mail messages from neices and nephews can be saved and replayed for years to come. Think I'm kidding? I still have Amber and Drew on the voice mail from last year! Too cute to delete.
I hope you had a wonderful "10th". You're cracked.