Monday, January 26, 2009

Grateful List 1/17-1/26

I had a few things to be grateful for recently. In spite of my recent legal limbo situation, I was so grateful the weekend before last to be sans automobile. As the snow came down, all I could think to myself was how happy I was NOT to have to trudge down the four or more blocks to find and undig my car, only to have to deal with the snow after the plows came by, and then have to repeatedly move it for the various off-the-side street cleaning days. Plus, I don't have to deal with maintenance.

Last week I was grateful to celebrate two important milestones, Martin Luther King Jr. Day and the Inauguration. How wonderful to be living in America during these days, to see the peaceful transfer of power to a new President, and to witness a day that seemed impossible not too long ago. I was so grateful that my employer encouraged us all to view the Inauguration coverage, and placed large screens in public spaces and recital halls so students, faculty, and staff alike could tune in. The sense of community and our excitement was more palpable than can be expressed through these images.

A few of my colleagues paying close attention,
and wearing their Obama gear.
You should have heard the crowd roar.
More cheers from the classical music crowd as Yo-Yo Ma and Mr. Perlman played "Simple Gifts." How wonderful that classical music was featured prominently and that the arts were given a world stage. (If only the CNN announcers had kept quiet during the piece!)
Family values center stage.
Oh, Yes. He did.
May we continue to pray for the safety of the President and his family, and for him to have patience, fortitude, and wisdom as he travels the difficult road ahead.

I would also be grateful if we could only catch up to the rest of the world and get a WOMAN as President during my lifetime, albeit, it does have to be the right woman ...

Final, I am also thankful for my current corporate climate, where colleagues encourage you to take your personal and sick days – though they are probably the reason why you are sick again! I was also ever so grateful to the creators of Kleenex, Vicks VapoRub, and Advil, and all of the cast, crew, and producers of television on various cable channels. I may still be sick, and look like Rudolf the Red-nosed Auntie Nettie, but drugs and mindless hours of cooking and home decorating shows kept me entertained between sneezing fits and blowing my nose.

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