Monday, November 24, 2008

Obama+Les Miz = Les Misbarack

I think I've talked about how I was a chorus and theater geek in high school. I came of age during the apex of the Andrew Lloyd Webber/Claude-Michel Schönberg/Alain Boublil era, with large casts, sweeping sagas, crashing chandeliers, hovering helicopters, and tear-jerking arias galore.

My theater buddies and I ate up this stuff. We collected Playbills, read the theater rags, and ran out to buy the sheet music as soon as it was available in the stores. [Remember, this was pre itunes, ipods, internet, youtube, Twilight, etc, so this was Great Stuff for the teen set back in the (ahem) 1980s and early 1990s. It was a different time, my friends. Different times!] We sang (or in my case, played) those songs and medleys ad nauseum. One of the highlights of the year was the theater bus trip to the Great White Way. One memorable excursion had us taking in a double-header: Phantom of the Opera as the matinee and Les Miserables as the evening show. (Or was vice versus? Doesn't matter! It was a long Broadway day!) Of the two shows, Les Mis was the more memorable and continues to get me right in my little emo-heart to this day.

So, imagine my amusement when someone forwarded the following clip on to me. A drama about a revolutionary political campaign plus a little office romance, just like the original: Obama+Les Miz = Les Misbarack

Again, I am NOT endorsing any candidate, political party, or platform. I am simply finding joy and the delight in the talents and creativity of other people who have time to come up with these things, all the while enjoying a blast from my past and one of my favorite numbers from one of my favorite musicals. Thank you. (**stepping down off soap-box, NOW!**)

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