Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Global Warming?

Do I live/work in New York or New England? Isn't this the Big Apple and not the Artic North?

There were snow squalls in the City this afternoon We haven't had a FROST yet where I live, and there was SNOW this afternoon.

Ms. Mother Nature, ma'am? Can you hold off for a while. I'm not ready for winter yet. I still haven't gotten my winter coat dry cleaned and repaired from last spring. I haven't put away all my summer clothes. I still use my a/c on occasion at night. I don't have winter boots!

I don't care what date the calendar says. It's too early for snow. While I remember trick-or-treating in snow when I was growing up in northern Utah, that was (ye-goodness) almost 30 years ago and a different climate.

Snow, snow go away.
Come again some other day ...

Say, in January, after I've flown back from Christmas break.

1 comment:

  1. HA! No snow here yet. But it feels like it could happen today.

    We've had a couple of hard frosts. BRRRR!
