Tuesday, September 23, 2008


You know your week is off to a "good" start when:

You just have to take a mental health/sick day on a Monday.

You finally drag your butt into work the next day--very, very, very late, whereupon you pass your department head/v.p. in the hall at 9:30 with all your stuff; only to get to your desk and find an e-mail from him at 9:05 that reads:

This is to remind everyone that office hours are from 9:00AM until 5:00PM, and I expect every member of this department to be here during that time.

... all I ask is that you are here working between the hours that [the Big J's] offices are open.


later in the day, after pondering the message some more ...

Okay, dude, but what about potty breaks, what about my lunch "hour," what about those days I have to supposedly work late for events? Can you also define what you mean by "working" because it seems like to me, my definition of "working" is extremely different than other people's. Plus, you get paid about 10 times what I get paid (NOT exaggerating!) and I don't live 10 blocks away in a fancy schmancy NYC Westside apartment. Sometimes I can't do anything about the reliability and timeliness of the two forms of mass transit that I have to take to get to the office.

Huh! Me thinks it's time for an attitude adjustment (MINE!) and for me to be thankful that I'm in this industry and not another, say, further downtown, on Wall Street.

Now, who's going to wake me up at the crack of dawn so I can not get yelled at at 9:01 a.m. tomorrow? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Wednesday UPDATE:

Thanks for the two calls this morning, bro. I realize that you are 3 hours behind me, AND working on the night shift (you vampire you!) so I really appreciate it. Ummmm. If you are going to call again, can you please call me earlier? I was already on the train (still not the early one) and then in the office when you called me.
