Saturday, September 6, 2008

NieNie in The New York Times

Sometimes the Blogosphere is nasty, mean, and petty. Sometimes it can bring people together and be a powerful source for healing and support. This is one of the latter cases.

I first learned about Nie Nie (aka Stephanie Nielson) and her heartbreaking, yet uplifting, situation over on mooshinindy's blog and then saw it again at homemadebyjill's. Reading her sister Courtney's blog almost brought me to tears in the office and then her brother Topher's entry just completely did me in. (Luckily I was the only one around at the time.) One of the impressions that Stephanie seems to be giving her sister is to "Continue to tell her story." I'm more than happy to do so.

Stephanie's story was also picked up by The New York Times. Click here for the article.

Won't you keep Stephanie, Christian, and their families, especially her heroic siblings who are caring for their four children, in your thoughts and prayers? If you can, please contribute to the families recovery fund via one of the various auctions or funds that have been set up. The information can be found at Courtney's blog.